“At this the servant fell on his knees before him. ‘Be patient with me,’ he begged, ‘and I will pay back everything.’ The servant’s master took pity on him, canceled the debt and let him go.
This servant in this story owed the king ten thousand bags of gold. Ten thousand. An eye-watering, un-fathomable and impossible sum of money. There is zero chance that this man has any ability to pay this amount in his lifetime. The king knows this, so the manager ordered that the man, with all the possessions and family he loves, to be sold and to become slaves.
We also deserve this.
Yet, this servant has the audacity to ask for a chance. Amazingly, he is given his freedom! Then promptly goes to crush his fellow servant for a trivial sum. This earns him torture in jail until he could pay it all back. (An endless amount of time. Sound familiar?)
But, we know what Jesus did to cancel our debts. Our compassionate King has this power if we ask for it.
PRAYER: Jesus, we deserve to pay our impossible debts, but your love frees us.
Today's devotion written by Joshua Simpfendorfer, LifeWay Westside.
Therefore this is what the Lord says: “If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve me;
if you utter worthy, not worthless, words,you will be my spokesman.
Let this people turn to you, but you must not turn to them.
Here Jeremiah is in despair about the sin of his nation, and their rejection of God. He gives graphic descriptions of the destruction that will be brought on this people.
They were ‘backsliding’, and it is easy to do this. So when we choose to turn back to God, He is always ready to reach out and pull you up. He is endlessly patient and willing, and his love is relentless.
When we turn back to God and place our obedience back with Him, we become ambassadors of God. In turn, we can forgive others, and live and speak in a way that others will notice; while not slipping into the ways of the world.
PRAYER: God, your power and patience amaze me. Help me turn back to you, and turn others to you.
Today's devotion written by Josh Simpfendorfer, LifeWay Westside
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Today, Saturday the 8 March 1997 (28 years ago), I married my beautiful wife. We were married at St Lukes Lutheran church in Albury. We both stood at the alter head over heels in love thinking it can’t get much better than this, and that life together would be a ‘breeze’ as we had each other. The day was such a happy occasion but it will always be somewhat of a blur for us as after all the hard work and months of meticulous preparation, it was over in a flash! One thing we both vividly remember about the day and have spoken about numerous times over the course of our marriage, was the message our Minister, Pastor Rick Mickelson gave to us and our family and friends present that day during his address. ‘Marriage is hard-work!’
Pastor Rick was and remains absolutely right. Marriage is hard work! Having a common faith and knowing that God has promised to walk with us (“so do not fear, for I am with you”) has been instrumental for us. Our faith and love have been challenged from time to time such as during the eight years it took us to start a family, but with all these challenges, God was strengthening our faith in Him and our love for one another (“I will strengthen you and help you”). Over the journey together we have grown to accept that God’s will for us is still taking shape and only He knows what is to come and what awaits us around the next bend, but he promises to hold us up and support us (“I will uphold you with my righteous right hand”). We can take great comfort from today’s reading.
So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
This is all we need to journey on together as one. Thanks be to God.
PRAYER: Thank you, Heavenly Father, for all that you have done for me and for all that you continue to do. Your promise to walk with me provides me with the assurance that I have nothing to fear. Your continual provision of strength and help and being there for me to lean on You in times of trouble, provides endless comfort. Amen
Today's devotion written by Shane Burdack, LifeWay Epping
for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose
As I read this verse for today it reminds me of a conversation I have had with my Dad in recent weeks.
My elderly father, following a fall at home 12 months ago, required transportation from a Regional city to Melbourne for surgery that we were not sure he would survive. By the grace of God, Dad pulled through and spent the following 4-5 months away from home in rehabilitation and respite. Since the accident, his overall health including cognitive function has deteriorated markedly to the point that he now requires daily visitation care and is on the verge of having to move into full-time care at the aged care facility he and my Mum are in. Dad mentioned to me that he's ready for the good Lord to take him home. Dad (& my Mum) have been instrumental in my faith life and their unshakeable faith is such an example to me and indeed a tower of strength.
Whilst Dad was not complaining, he was inherently indicating that he is good and ready to be taken to his eternal home in Heaven if it is God's will. I said to Dad, Yes, the good Lord will take you home when He is ready and the fact that you are here with us means that He still has a purpose for you here on earth.
Whilst God's purpose for us might not be overly obvious to us at times, we can let the Holy Spirit live within us and work His ways, presenting us with opportunities for Him to assist us in carrying out His purpose (God’s purpose for us). For my Dad, this might be using the opportunity to spread God's word or show Christ's love to the carers who visit daily, to the carers who transport him to medical appointments, to the reception staff at the medical practice or even those sitting in the waiting room.
Are you letting God work within you to fulfill His good purpose?
PRAYER: Heavenly Carpenter, help me to be a willing disciple and let you carve, shape and craft me just the way you want me, so that I can fulfil the very purpose you have for me here on earth as your child. Amen
Today's devotion written by Shane Burdack, LifeWay Epping
In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will,
On Tuesday, in my reflection on the Bible verse for the day from Matthew (chapter 6, verse 10), I outlined the struggles my wife and I had having a family, and in the end, we truly left it to God's will.
God has a purpose (plan) for every one of us. God indeed knew the plans he had for my wife and I. In fact, God knew the plans he had (and still has) for you and me well and truly before our conception in our mother's womb. It is beyond my human comprehension and I wrestle with the thought that God knew the plans He had for our daughter, (those already lived out during her 17 years so far) and knows all that is still to come for her. This is truly a testament to what an awesome God we have.
How can we be sure of this? “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3: 16).
That is, God's plan to send His son to earth through a virgin named Mary, to save all believers is evidence that God knew His plans for Mary and His son Jesus well in advance. And just like God’s love for Jesus and Mary, we know God loves us equally and hence we can take real assurance that God knew of His plans for you and me even before we were conceived. How mind boggling yet comforting for us when we reflect on this. What wonderful assurance this gives us to confidently walk forward with Christ.
Why do you worry about God's plans for you and why are you unable to submit yourself fully to God and let His will be done in your life?
PRAYER: God of Wisdom and awe, I am sorry when I struggle to submit my life to you fully so Your will can be done and Your Plans for me lived out. Continue to walk by my side and provide me daily with the assurance that You know exactly what is to come and that this is Your will for me. Amen
Today's devotion written by Shane Burdack, LifeWay Epping
So then, those who suffer according to God’s will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good
Fire, when left unattended, can be devastatingly destructive. It burns human and animal flesh with excruciating pain and destroys any vegetation and property in its path.
Being a Christian does not make us invincible or wrap us in a cocoon that insulates us from earthly suffering and pain. However, as Christian's we can be certain that our Lord walks with us every step of our earthly journey. And like the beautifully written piece 'footprints' (look it up if you don't know it – [Footprints in the sand]) as the writer looked back on life's most lowest moments to notice only one set of footprints along the sand, we too can be assured that during the most difficult periods of our own lives, that this is when Jesus carries us.
All that is required from us, is to fully commit our lives to God and strive to live a Christ-like life. Jesus bore the punishment for our sinfulness through His suffering on the cross. We will not be spared challenges and suffering as a result. However, what we can be assured of as Christian's is that our suffering will be different. Unbelievers (the weeds and useless vegetation) will be totally consumed by the bush-fire, destroyed and die. As Christian's our suffering will shape us, and even strengthen us with re-growth just like that seen with the fresh growth of green shoots springing from the blackened bush-fire burned trees to start a new life and regenerate the forest to its former glory.
Recall a period (low point) in your life where you questioned the suffering but ultimately came to realise how it had shaped or grown your faith. Why can it be so accept that God has His plans for you all sorted, and he walks with you, and at times even carries you?
PRAYER: Our Father in Heaven. Sorry that I have difficulty accepting your will and the plans that you have for me here on earth as your disciple. Continue to assure me that I can confidently hand everything over to you and focus entirely on living a Christ-like life as you walk with me. Amen
Today's devotion written by Shane Burdack, LifeWay Epping.
Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
"Your will be done". Have you ever prayed that sincerely? My wife and I took eight years to have a family. It was a tough time for us and especially for my wife as our trials took us down the real roller-coaster ride of the IVF process where her hormones were teased, one of her eggs (fertilised by me) then implanted, and then there was the wait. A couple of weeks each time, where we (well she) lived like we were 'walking on egg shells', not wanting to do anything that may risk the chance of conception and each time the wait culminated with the pregnancy blood test to confirm whether we were on our way to becoming parents. We certainly spent time talking together and we prayed for a baby if it was God's will. This said, it didn't stop us seriously questioning why our Lord wouldn't answer our prayer. After all we were good sound Christians and what better home environment to be bringing a new baby into.
God answered our prayer with a beautiful little girl (who today is a beautiful 17 year old) but on reflection it probably wasn't until we had seriously stopped worrying about it, questioning it, and simply just placing it all in God's hands, that we really learned His will for us.
Even Jesus prayed this same prayer in his utmost hour of need. "……yet, not my will, but yours, be done" (Luke 22: 42) on the Mount of Olives as he contemplated the imminency of His arrest, His treatment by the Roman soldiers and His cruel and painful death for us on the cross. Jesus prayed to His Father to let His will be done and the result is the promise we have today of eternal life with Him in Heaven. God's will was indeed done.
Do you have concerns sincerely praying and asking for God's will to be done in your life? Why?
PRAYER:Our Lord and Father. Teach me to humbly and sincerely pray for Your will to be done here on earth just like it will be in Heaven, for I need to have no fears or concerns whatsoever bringing this prayer to you daily. Your actions have proven this to me. Amen
Today's devotion written by Shane Burdack, LifeWay Epping
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight
It is human nature to put one's trust in something or someone. As descendants of Adam, we know too well the ramifications of placing our trust in ourselves or being misled by the evil-one.
While I am not necessarily proud to state this, my wife has often accused me of needing to feel I have control. I am not sure whether this is an old-fashioned trait I have perhaps inherited from my Dad and our German ancestors or not. But as the male head of our household I, for whatever reason, do feel a responsibility to provide, care for, and protect our family unit.
With this confession made, I am certainly guilty then, of reflexively wanting to solve all or any problem or obstacle that I or our family encounter. Looking to rely on my own self-trust and self-sufficiency rather than placing my total trust in the Lord and placing all my trials and tribulations at the foot of the cross where He has done all for us.
Our verse today is not just talking about life's trials and tribulations though. The message is clear. 'Trust in the Lord with all your heart……" (verse 5). As sinful humans, we may well question that it is impossible to trust in God perfectly, however we can certainly strive to have a heart and life that does not consciously reject or defy God with unbelief.
We are not to rely on anyone or anything other than the Lord. During Jesus' earthly ministry, we never saw Him partially heal a paraplegic, so they relied upon a crutch to hobble away. Jesus' words were 'get up and walk' and powerfully, these words were lived out.
Indeed, if we have the same faith and belief, this will be the exact same result for our lives too. No reliance upon anyone else, no crutch, just total trust in the Lord in all we do, and He will not only walk with us but bless us and continue to watch over us as he leads us along our life's journey to our Heavenly Home.
Are there reasons or obstacles in your life that you can identify that inhibit you from totally trusting in God and His plans for you? Why?
PRAYER: Heavenly doctor, help me to totally trust in you so like the paraplegic you healed, I need no life crutch to rely on but can confidently walk forward knowing that you walk with me on every step of my earthly journey. Amen
Today's devotion written by Shane Burdack, LifeWay Epping
Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted
When we reflect on our lives, there are multiple instances in any week or month where we find ourselves simply having to trust another party and believe the information or advice we are given. This occurs generally because we are either comfortable from the outset or gain comfort that the individual knows more about the topic in question than we do.
I don't know about you, but I am not very mechanically minded. I take my car to our mechanic for a service or a problem, and I am left with no choice really but to accept what he tells me is wrong, what he needs to do to fix the problem, and the cost.
My G.P has referred me to a handful of medical specialists over the years to enable me to receive optimum advice with regard to investigations, diagnosis and treatment. These referrals have varied in nature from musculo-skeletal problems to oncology investigations looking for a form of blood cancer, which thankfully, turned out to be benign in nature. Irrespective, these specialists knew far more about their area of expertise than me and my G.P, so essentially, I was left to accept their advice and guidance. Interestingly, as I reflect on these times of uncertainty in my life, I did include myself and the specialists in my prayers.
I am sure there are plenty more examples of trust (or doubt) that you can think of applicable to yourself.
As Christians, we have a gracious God who we know loves us dearly and died for us to provide us with the promise of eternal life with Him. Do we merely forget this then, when we either doubt (as some of the disciples did) or question God's Will or plans in our lives?
When have you doubted or questioned what God is doing in your life? Why?
PRAYER: Lord of All. Help me to grow in my faith so that I can accept your will and plans for my life as your disciple. Continually provide me with comfort in the fact that you are forever walking with me and will never leave my side. Amen
Today's devotion written by Shane Burdack, LifeWay Epping