Take some time to reflect and refocus in the run up to Easter with these inspiring books by Tim Chester.
[The Beauty of the Cross: Reflections for Lent from Isaiah 52 & 53](https://www.shopacr.com.au/P702756/The-Beauty-of-the-Cross%3A-Reflections-for-Lent-from-Isaiah-52-_and_-53/pd.php) - $22.95
Delight in the beauty of Christ afresh this Easter.
Some of the richest prophecies about the cross of Christ can be found in Isaiah chapters 52 and 53 (the last of the 'Servant Songs'). Take time to go through these familiar yet extraordinary chapters in the run up to Easter with this Lent devotional by Tim Chester. You will be thrilled and challenged as you see how Jesus matched every part of every prophecy, and brought glory to his name through his beautiful sacrifice on the cross.
Contains 47 days of short, stirring reflections as well as a link to an original song.
[The Glory of the Cross: Reflections for Lent from the Gospel of John](https://www.shopacr.com.au/P702757/The-Glory-of-the-Cross%3A-Reflections-for-Lent-from-the-Gospel-of-John/pd.php) - $22.95
In many ways, Easter is supposed to be the high-point of the year for Christians, where we remember the three days that changed history for ever. But for many of us, the day quickly comes and goes without us really feeling any different. Yet for centuries Christians around the world have marked the season of Lentthe forty days leading up to Easteras a way of reflecting on their need for forgiveness and anticipating Christ's work on the cross.
These daily readings present deep theology in a concise and understandable way, allowing you to soak up the real meaning of Christ's death and resurrection. Each week, you'll read through one or two chapters of John's Gospel. The Sunday reading provides an introduction to the passage as a whole, while the rest of the week's reflections work through it in smaller sections. A carefully selected prayerdrawn from the rich work of writers throughout church historyis included each day.
So this Lent, prepare your heart with 47 days of short and stirring reflections from the Gospel of John.
[Our Radiant Redeemer: Lent Devotions on the Transfiguration of Jesus](http://shopacr.com.au/P702758/Our-Radiant-Redeemer%3A-Lent-Devotions-on-the-Transfiguration-of-Jesus/pd.php) - $22.95
This devotional looks at the transfiguration of Jesus in depth, giving readers a glorious lens through which to view Jesus during Lent and Easter.
Tim Chester says: The transfiguration is a light that illuminates the meaning of the cross and resurrection. As we look deeper, well discover that its not just Jesus who is transfigured. His promise is that we, too, can be transfigured by the light he brings to our lives.
As we see Jesus in all his glory, we will be reminded of how marvellous he is and how brilliant our future with him will be. We will be moved to worship Jesus with our whole lives, giving thanks for all that he is and all that he has done.
Each of the devotions includes prompts to reflect and pray.