One of our students Socharita writes:
"I am in the sixth grade. I would love to thank LifeWay Cambodia organisation for providing me with a scholarship. I wish LifeWay Lutheran Cambodia and all its staff success in its endeavours. After educating at Wisdom Nest School for almost a year I got good results and like never before or as good as now. The teachers here are good. I have a lot of friends who have played with me. I have developed better than when I was in a public school. It is very productive. In addition, I can speak some more English and Chinese. There are a few of my friends who miss their teachers in Australia. We want to the teachers to come and visit us again. From me, Socharita."
The initiative began in 2023, with enough money raised to provide education sponsorships to 6 students from around the LifeWay Cambodia centre. These students would not only get a Christian Education but become the students that Vibol works with and mentors to lead, inspire and encourage other students in the village to learn and build the children and youth program around.
As well as education sponsorships, money was also raised to purchase bicycles as a way to support other students from the area that don't have transport to get to school.
5 of the students passed their studies and progressed to the next grade. One male student struggled with his schooling and decided not to go ahead with this opportunity. We have been able to give this sponsorship to another student instead.
We continued to raise funds to support these young people for another year of schooling. The fundraising target of $6000 for education, and $1200 for bikes was exceeded thanks to the amazing generosity of the LifeWay community. Plus another very generous gift allowed us to support 3 more students!
This year we will be fundraising across all our LifeWay sites to continue supporting students with the gift of education and bicycles.
If you'd like to make a donation online, click the blue 'Make a donation' button on this page.
Alternatively, you can give a cash donation by placing an envelope labelled 'Cambodia Education Fund' in the offering plate during worship.