
Welcome to the LifeWay family


Join us online for worship each Sunday at 9.30am









Current sermon series | Growing Pains

Growing pains. Do you remember what that was like? Your body grows faster than your clothes. Your emotions are all over the place … and your voice, well it can change between words. It’s a time of adolescence, a time when growing pains reveal that you are in the process of maturing. As a Church, we are also experiencing growing pains. Things are changing. They may feel a little awkward and even get a little uncomfortable. But that’s okay. We are experiencing growing pains. God uses growing pains to stretch us, challenge us and help us mature into the people he has called us to be, a people who are living, sharing and growing in his way and his life, for his kingdom purposes. Join us as we go through the adventure of ‘growing pains’ together.


56 Norfolk Rd, Epping NSW 2121


11.15am (Chinese)

48 Blackall St, Broadmeadow NSW


1/8 Kenny St, Wollongong


43-45 Griffiths Street, Oak Flats (Oak Flats Senior Citizens Centre)


Surveyors Creek Community Centre, 40 Ballybunnion Terrace, Glenmore Park NSW 2745


1st & 3rd Sundays of the month

YouTube Live, streamed from Epping

9.30am (AEST)



About Us

Dear LifeWay family,

What an amazing journey LifeWay has been on so far. To see God’s power at work through ordinary people, prepared to move, serve and do ministry together is wonderfully exciting. To see the unity, generosity, and faith-filled willingness to ‘have a go’ is truly inspiring. It is incredibly humbling to be part of a community who are

LIVING Jesus' love | SHARING His hope with all | GROWING in grace together

So are you ready to ‘take-off’ on the next decade of our journey at LifeWay and see what God has planned for us and through us? You are not here by accident. God has led you to this place, at this time, with your gifts to be part of realising the vision to which he has called us. To be A vibrant, multi-ethnic Christian Church equipping and empowering disciples of all ages in advancing his Kingdom locally and globally, by living fully, sharing boldly, and growing purposefully in the life-transforming grace of Jesus Christ.

God has given you a boarding pass to go on a journey:

- Beyond where you have been before.

- Beyond the limits you have imposed on yourselves.

- Beyond the limits you have let others impose on you.

For as we believe the truth of Jesus, practice the way of Jesus, and grow in the life of Jesus we can step out boldly in faith and trust knowing: No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him. 2 Corinthians 2:9

ONE MISSION ... making disciples of all nations

ONE COMMUNITY ... serving and impacting in multiple locations

MANY JOURNEYS ... celebrating each person’s unique giftedness

TOGETHER – living, sharing and growing

LifeWay, you’re cleared for Take-Off! Which plane will you board? What stopovers will you make? How far will you let his love take you?

God, prepare our hearts for what you have for us next and give us a heart of faith to go where you call us to go. Amen.


Check out our store, Australian Christian Resources

for Christian resources that will enrich your personal faith journey and equip you for the ministry God is calling you to! 


Resources to enrich your faith journey

News 28 October, 2024

NEW Time Out available now

The newest edition of your favourite devotion series has arrived with a fresh look!

A selection of short meditations for each day of the year, from Australian writers, including pastors and other faith-filled servants of Jesus.

Drawing illustrations from every day life, the writers thoughts are relatable, Christ-centred, and point readers back to the full life he promises in his name. Included is the bible reading for the day, a featured verse, a faith-talk question, and a prayer. Perfect for individuals, families, or groups.

May you be blessed as you take time-out and allow God to equip you for the full life.

Oder your copy for $26.95 at

News 25 January, 2024

Sharing Jesus doesn't have to be awkward

"Sam Chen helps all of us to not be "that guy" so we can point people to the person of Jesus. Sam has taken a heavy topic and made it into a breezy read that will inform, amuse and inspire." - Abdu Murray⁠

Most Christians know they should be trying to tell their friends and family about Jesus. But in a post-Christendom world, personal evangelism is viewed negatively--it's offensive, inappropriate, and insensitive. Recent studies confirm that the majority of Christians rarely evangelise, worried they might offend their family or lose their friends. In How to Talk About Jesus (Without Being That Guy), author Sam Chan equips everyday Christians who are reluctant and nervous to tell their friends about Jesus with practical, tested ways of sharing their faith in the least awkward ways possible.

Drawing from over two decades of experience as an evangelist, teacher, and pastor, Chan explains why personal evangelism feels so awkward today. And utilising recent insights from communication theory, cross-cultural ministry, and apologetics, he helps you build confidence in sharing your faith, and teaches you how to evangelise your friends and family in socially appropriate ways.

News 29 July, 2024

Welcome to Bible World

This search-and-find activity book will help kids get to know the Bible in a fun and engaging way.

You've heard of Disney World; now welcome to Bible World!

This search-and-find book visualises various Bible genres as a series of lands in a theme park with detailed, fun and colourful Where's Wally-style illustrations.

As children explore these Bible "lands", they'll discover for themselves the way Scripture has been collected and organised from Genesis to Revelation. They will also see the main theme that runs throughout the BibleGods promise of a rescuing King and its fulfilment in Jesus Christ.

Explanations of the different Bible genres are included, as well as specific Bible heroes and events for children to spot. It's a fun and engaging way for kids to learn more about the Bible.

Written by Mike Nappa, award-winning children's author, and best-selling creator of many books for families. His highlight reel includes several VeggieTales comics, the Bibleman Bible Storybook and the Gold Medallion-nominated Family Nights Tool Chest series. Illustrated by Emiliano Migliardo.

Available at for $23.99



3 February, 2025

A message from Pastor Mark Schultz


Where do I even begin to put into words my thanks for the incredible adventure that we have shared for the last 18 years. This has been a community that has stretched me, challenged me, grown me and prepared me for this next chapter of what God has called me to do. I did think that I would be here for the rest of my ministry…but God has other plans. But it is you the people here that have made LifeWay what it is; to see generations of families that I have married, baptised, stepped up to Communion and sat in homes and hospitals with has been such a blessing to me. To experience your Kingdom generosity, your missional heart, and your (mostly) adventurous spirit to “have a go” has been a gift that brought glory to God. Thank you for letting me be a part of that. May the Gospel of Jesus always be front and centre of what inspires your discipleship, your mission and your worship. I look forward to seeing what the next instalment is of what God has in store for you all. My prayers will remain with you...that God would prepare your hearts for what he has for you next and continue to give you a heart of faith to go where he calls you to go.

In Christ’s love,

Pastor Mark

29 January, 2025

New series beginning

Growing pains. Do you remember what that was like? Your body grows faster than your clothes. Your emotions are all over the place … and your voice, well it can change between words. It’s a time of adolescence, a time when growing pains reveal that you are in the process of maturing. As a Church, we are also experiencing growing pains. Things are changing. They may feel a little awkward and even get a little uncomfortable. But that’s okay. We are experiencing growing pains. God uses growing pains to stretch us, challenge us and help us mature into the people he has called us to be, a people who are living, sharing and growing in his way and his life, for his kingdom purposes. Join us as we go through the adventure of ‘growing pains’ together, beginning 2 February.

28 October, 2024

NEW Time Out available now

The newest edition of your favourite devotion series has arrived with a fresh look!

A selection of short meditations for each day of the year, from Australian writers, including pastors and other faith-filled servants of Jesus.

Drawing illustrations from every day life, the writers thoughts are relatable, Christ-centred, and point readers back to the full life he promises in his name. Included is the bible reading for the day, a featured verse, a faith-talk question, and a prayer. Perfect for individuals, families, or groups.

May you be blessed as you take time-out and allow God to equip you for the full life.

Oder your copy for $26.95 at



21 February, 2025 @ 6:00 PM

Table Tennis Games

乒乓球活動 歡迎參加

Fridays 6pm - 9pm

時間:逢週五晚 六時至九時

at LifeWay Epping


All welcome!

22 February, 2025 @ 9:30 AM

Word in Song Conference Newcastle

Are you passionate about singing that is deeply rooted in Scripture? The Word in Song Conference is where worship leaders, musicians, and church members come together to be equipped, inspired, and encouraged—helping you and your church grow in a gospel-centered approach to music and ministry.

What to Expect:

- Engaging Sessions: Learn from experienced speakers and musicians who will share biblical insights and practical skills for leading worship that truly magnifies Christ.

- Practical Seminars: Whether you’re a musician, vocalist, or pastor, our interactive seminars are designed to refine your skills and deepen your understanding of music through a biblical lens.

- Heart-felt Singing: Experience passionate, gospel-centered singing led by talented musicians who love to proclaim the truth of God's Word through song.

- Enriching Fellowship: Connect with other worship leaders, musicians, and church members who share your heart for Christ-centered music.

Why Attend? The Emu Word in Song Conference is more than just an event—it's an opportunity to rediscover the beauty and power of Christian singing that is grounded in God’s Word. Gain valuable tools for your ministry, enjoy fellowship with like-minded believers, and leave inspired to serve your church with renewed zeal.

Don’t miss out! Register now and be part of a transformative experience that will help shape the way you sing, lead, and live out the gospel.

28 March, 2025 @ 8:00 AM

Hope events Wollongong

Hope for the Illawarra is a region wide mission partnership culminating in a major outreach event on March 28th and 29th at the Wollongong Entertainment Centre (times TBA). Over 400 people from 55 local churches came together to pray and prepare the way for this major share Jesus with the city.

We all want the people around us to know Jesus, right? But it can be tricky. When it comes to faith, the world has changed rapidly and the people in our lives are in so many different places. Where do we even start? How do we start conversations that point to Jesus with Aussies today? How do we share the wonderful life transforming good news of Jesus wherever he has planted us?

We all need help with evangelism. So, during February you will be invited to attend a number of prayer meetings and SHARING HOPE training events. Let's take advantage of this opportunity as we share the hope of Jesus together.

Keep an eye on your LifeWay emails or talk to Michael Dobie for more information.


Today's verse & thought to ponder ...



2 TIMOTHY 2:15.

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.

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