
Grow Courses

Each year we offer a selection of short ‘Grow’ courses offered to deepen your faith as we grow in grace together.

From studying books of the Bible to learning how to pray and read the Bible, discovering tips to share your faith, learning to be a better parent or marriage partner, we hope that there is something to engage and grow you, no matter where you are at on your spiritual walk.

Grow in the grace and knowledge of your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 3:18


20th February 2022: LIFE PULSE

2nd June 2022 (in person or online): How can they hear?

24th October 2022 (in person or online): LIFE RHYTHM

13th February 2022: LIFE PULSE

2nd June 2022 (online): How can they hear?

24th October 2022 (online): LIFE RHYTHM

27th February 2022: LIFE PULSE

2nd June 2022 (online): How can they hear?

24th October 2022 (online): LIFE RHYTHM

More From 'Ministries'


LifeWay is deeply committed to establishing meaningful mission partnerships and advancing the Gospel both locally and globally. Through intentional relationships with on-the-ground organizations and people, we join forces to advance the Kingdom of God and address pressing social, spiritual, and physical needs. It’s all part of living Jesus love, sharing his hope with all, and growing in grace together. Our mission trips reflect our dedication to spreading the love of Christ and making a positive difference in the world.

We believe that not only are we created for mission but all of us are gifted to serve. Sharing his hope with all is simply using your God given gifts to serve others. Whether it’s helping in children’s ministry or greeting visitors, serving coffee after service, playing a musical instrument, being involved in collecting for the Red Shield Appeal, or going on a mission trip, there are plenty of opportunities to share the hope and love of Jesus with others.

If you’re not sure what the best fit for you is, or how you can serve, then please contact one of the staff who will sit down with you and discover what you are passionate about and help you find an area to serve in. Or simply ‘have a go’ and find that fit in ministry that fills you with the greatest joy!

You can fill in the Volunteer Interest form here.

"Each of you has been blessed with one of God's wonderful gifts to be used in the service of others. So use your gift well." 1 Peter 4:10




Chinese service every Sunday, 11.15am at LifeWay Epping (56 Norfolk Rd, Epping)


We’d love for you to join us!

Contact Pastor Francis Leung for more details

聯絡人:梁國超牧師 (Pastor Francis Leung)

電話: 0411 628 833電郵: [email protected]


Cambodia Education & Support Sponsorships

Meet Phan. Phan is 14 years old and tragically lost her father during the Covid-19 pandemic. He was the family’s only income provider.

The grief was made even greater when the bank demanded that Phan’s mum repay the house loan immediately or lose their home. Thanks to the generosity and support of Vibol and LifeWay, Phan, together with her mum and sister now have the security of a home. But the struggle remains for Phan’s mum who cannot afford to pay for her daughters to go to school.

All children have the right to learn, whatever their circumstances. Young people in rural areas are particularly at risk. 25% of those in Grade 3 (9 year olds) cannot write a single word in a dictation test. While 80% of children in Cambodia finish primary school, the dropout rate for high school, particularly for girls, increases markedly. Adolescent boys and girls either don’t enrol in school, or are taken out of school so they can work and provide income for their families. By the time a young person reaches age 17, 55% will have dropped out.

We want to change that narrative.

Education is a gift that empowers all.

Education is a gift that inspires hope.

Education is a gift that grows opportunities.

Education is a gift that transforms communities,

... one life and one family at a time.

The LifeWay Cambodia Education and Support Sponsorship fund has been established as a way to invest in the education of those young people who are keen to learn and make a difference. We want to raise up the next generation of leaders in a supportive and encouraging Christian environment so they can be a part of changing the future of their nation. That’s where you can help.

Each year, we are raising money to support students from around the LifeWay Cambodia centre, by offering them education sponsorships including tuition, uniform and text books (approx. $1000 AUD per student per year) along with bicycles for students who don't have a way to get to school (approx. $120 AUD per bike).
