The Biblical Mandate in the Great Commission in Matthew 28:20 calls us to go into the world and make disciples.
The Bible also tells us that only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love… 'Whatever we do for the least of Jesus's brothers and sisters, we do for him.
Since 2016, LifeWay has partnered with Pastor Khit Vibol in Cambodia. In 2021, at the height of the pandemic, the opportunity came to establish a NGO with Pastor Vibol and form LifeWay Lutheran Cambodia Organisation. Through the generosity of the members at LifeWay, we are supporting Pastor Vibol, Sokry and their family as they live, share and grow together with families in rural, agricultural villages in the Kampong Thom province.
In 2021, we built four wells in four villages to give the locals fresh water instead of the 'coffee' coloured water from the stream some 2km away. We also had the opportunity to share the good news of a God who cares through feeding 150 families struggling through the pandemic.
In 2022, we have given stationary packs to over 100 students so they can go to school. We have established two soccer teams for high school students who hear the Gospel message before each game. We gave Gospel presentations to over 3000 students in local villages and have raised funds to purchase 10 computers to teach important skills to both young people and adults.
In 2023, a team of 14 people served the local community at Chong Doung, improving a local high school, being involved in Gospel presentations in the multiple schools, and helping with construction and painting at the LifeWay centre, the base for our work in the villages. In addition, we began an education sponsorship program to help students from poor families enable their students to not only go to school but change the trajectory of their families lives long term. We are currently supporting 9 students who attend a local Christian school.
You can give to support this mission here
Our next mission trip will be held January 2026. If you are interested in joining a future team, please email [email protected] and we will send you the application package as soon as they are released.
‘Love your neighbour as yourself.' Galatians 5:6b,14
Each of our centres partner together with local community groups to serve the needs of that particular community.
At LifeWay Epping, we partner with the Ryde Salvation Army and CCA Eastwood. 13.3% of our community live in poverty. This means that some of our friends and neighbours are experiencing hardship and struggle to meet the financial demands of everyday life, including putting food on the table.
CCA Eastwood serves and supports vulnerable community members in need. LifeWay Epping is committed to supporting those in need in our community. Please help CCA to fill their food cupboards with basic food and toiletry items to give to those in need. Bring along your donations and place in the basket in the church foyer. We also serve with the Salvation Army and their Red Shield Appeal and Annual Christmas lunch by providing volunteers who work alongside the Salvos to bring the love of Jesus to the community.
At LifeWay Newcastle, we support the Samaritans Foundations just down the road from the Newcastle Church who provide Emergency relief and support to those in need. We are also currently investigating new partnerships with local welfare groups.
We are pleased to partner with the local churches in the Ryde council area. We’re passionate about our city and making it a better place for all who live, work, and travel here – especially those who are in need of a hand. Go to to find out how you can get involved. Also check out the work that we are doing together on Vertical Villages.