
Newcastle (Broadmeadow)

48 Blackall St, Broadmeadow NSW 2292, Australia

Sunday, 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM


Mathew von Stanke

Newcastle Pastor

[email protected]


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LifeWay's hub office is located at the Sydney church in Epping.

For any general enquiries please phone the Epping office on (02) 9876 2574. For pastoral needs, visitation, baptisms, weddings and funerals, please contact Pastor Mat at the Newcastle office.

Every Sunday at 9.30am

An intergenerational worship service that includes a children’s message. Music comes from a variety of contemporary Christian music as well as some of the classic hymns that are led by one of our bands. Holy Communion is celebrated every Sunday.

A special service for kids of all ages.

Jesus said, ‘Let the children come’ and they do to worship him at their level. This service is designed for kids of all ages, and uses children’s actions songs, puppets, activities and a message that is targeted just for them. Come and join us. It’s fun, full of chaos and laughter. There is one thing we can tell you for sure…you will leave with a smile on your face!

Kids Church is currently held once a term at both Epping and Newcastle at the 9.30am service.

Our sessions run each Thursday of the school term, from 10am - 12pm.