He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
I don't know if you have noticed, but every time there is renewed or escalating conflict concerning Israel, there is also increased speculation about the 'end times' and the 'second coming' of Jesus.
To an extent, you can't really blame people who do this. When you look at the world around us today, it looks very similar to what Jesus describes in Matthew 24 as he describes his return and the 'end of the age'.
The problem is we are not supposed to be worried about that. We are not supposed to be preoccupied about trying to determine when Jesus is coming back. Instead we should be worried about and focussed on what we, as his people, are doing while we wait for Him to return. Jesus makes it pretty clear in this passage that, as His disciples, we are to be occupied with being His witnesses in all the earth. It's not our job to predict Jesus second coming, rather we are to live boldly and confidently in the face of these kinds of global conflicts and crises, knowing that whatever happens, God is sovereign and in control. Our joy and confidence in the midst of chaos is part of our witness to Christ in who we find our joy, strength and purpose.
PRAYER: Lord Jesus, thank you for the promise that one day you will return in power and glory to bring the final and ultimate fulfilment to the Father's work of making all things new. Help me to not be distracted by the wars and rumours of wars that are currently occupying the world. Help me to focus on the task you have given me to be a witness to your victory on the cross. Please also be with those who are suffering in the midst of conflict around the world, particularly in Israel and Ukraine. May they also come to find their confidence and security in you. Amen
Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle
Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
Is this not the most amazing thought. God knew you and had a plan for your life even before you were a 'twinkle in your parents eyes', as the saying goes.
It's incredible for so many reasons. Firstly, the God of all creation was thinking about you before you were even born. That's amazing all by itself. If you ever find yourself feeling small or insignificant, you only need to remember that God thinks about you to be reminded of your significance.
Secondly, you are not an accident. God has a plan for you regardless of the circumstances of your birth. Whether you hold power and influence over hundreds or thousands of people or whether you don't even have much of a voice within your own family, God has a plan for you and your life. All the days of your life God knew about before one of them ever came to be.
Which leads to the third thing. Nothing you do surprises God. He knows you so well and he has already anticipated your every word, thought and action. And despite all this, he still calls you his child and offers you grace and forgiveness, knowing in advance all the times and all the ways you are going to stuff things up.
I don't know about you, but if I knew I had someone who knew me that well and they had a plan for my life, which they promised was for my good, then I'd be looking to follow that plan as closely as possible!
PRAYER: Lord God, how wonderful are the works of your hand! Thank you that in Christ I can be called one of your children. Thank you for the knowledge that I am not just the result of random chance but that you knew about me and had plans for me even before I was born. Help me to trust that fulness of life is really only found in living the life that you designed and planned for me to live. Help me to walk in your ways and to see more of your plan fulfilled in my life. Amen
Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."
Do you ever feel like life is so full of chaos that you have trouble navigating your way through it? It can be like getting knocked over and tumbled around by a huge wave at the beach; you get pushed under the surface, jumbled all around until you can no longer tell which way is up! I know many people are feeling that way at the moment, particularly with this new outbreak of war in Israel. It's a big deal in the church community in Newcastle at the moment because a group of 30 people from one of the large independent churches here were all over there on a Holy Land tour and are now struggling to get out of there and return to Australia.
I'm sure that in the midst of that, many people in that group are trying to make sense of the situation. You might imagine some of the questions, "God what's going on here? Why is this happening now? How will we all get home? What if we get caught in the next attack?
All these are valid questions. But what comfort there is to be found in these words from Isaiah, that God has everything under control. That while most of the world might have been caught by surprise at this latest attack, God saw it coming. While we might not be able to make sense of it or see the purpose or imagine how God works this out for the good of those who love Him, we can be sure that he has a plan and He knows what He is doing. That knowledge is where we are can find our comfort and Joy when we are feeling tossed about by the chaos around us.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, your ways are indeed higher that my ways and your thoughts are so vastly different from my own. Help me to simply trust that when I feel chaos, that you are sill in control. When I feel trapped, you have a plan. When I feel alone, that you are with me. Amen
Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle
In their hearts humans plan their course,
but the Lord establishes their steps.
We have talked a lot about God's plans over the last few days, and well we should as it is His plan and His will that is right and perfect. However, I think sometimes we get a bit too pedantic about discerning God's will for our lives. Now as I am writing this I hear in my mind all the sharp, shocked, gasps from people thinking, "you can't say that about God's will", but let me explain.
I'm not convinced that there is just one 'right path' for everyone. Take my own life as an example. I was certain God was preparing me and leading me to be a primary school teacher. And I did do that for a while. But there came a time when it became obvious (for various reasons I'm happy to share elsewhere) that teaching was no longer the right profession for me and so now I find myself as the pastor at LifeWay Newcastle.
Was I wrong to do teaching first? Should I have prayed until I discerned that God was calling me into pastoral ministry? I don't believe so. There have been too many experiences in my learning and career as a teacher that God has used to help inform and shape my ministry as a pastor for me to be able to write it of as mere coincidence.
The key is not about knowing God's ultimate plan for your life, it's simply about listening to what God is asking you to do moment by moment, and responding to that with faithful obedience. Don't get me wrong, we should absolutely seek God on life's big decisions, but equally, we should be content if all he want's to disclose to us in his plan for us right in this moment.
PRAYER: Lord, sometimes it is hard to know what the right or best choice is, especially when it comes to big, life altering decisions. Help me to trust that you see where I am headed, that you know where I am going and that you will intervene if I stray too far from the path you have planned for me. Help me to enjoy the detours and speedhumps that I may encounter on the journey. Amen
Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle.
For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
There are so many people out there these days claiming to have the answer to all your procrastination problems. Life coaches, motivational gurus, social media influencers of every type believe they have the next big tool or program that will help you become more productive in your life.
Here's the thing though, how many of them are suggesting that you stop for a moment and ask God what His plans are for your day? Most of these 'self-help' kinds of books or programs begin by asking what you want to achieve. How often do you start your day that way, focussed only on what you know you need to achieve or accomplish. Maybe it's the agenda of your boss at the office or the demands of your kids and family that dictate your daily activities.
What might your day look like if you started by asking God what His priorities for your day were? What do you think might change? How might your day look different? God has things which he has planned in advance for you to do. Why not ask him what they are?
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, help me to be mindful not only of my plans, but also of the plans that you have for me. Help me to remember that I can place all of my days in your hands and trust that you have a plan for each and every one of them. Amen
Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
My family recently enjoyed a camping trip with some old friends from Canberra. It has been quite a while since we had camped in a tent and it took all of us a night or two to remember what sleeping in a tent was like. It was noisy, as the canvas flapped around in the breeze; it was not as comfortable as the climate controlled bedrooms we have back at home; it was not as dark as our bedrooms in the house with their blinds and curtains. There was a lot to remember and get used to.
Yet in the midst of those camping 'inconveniences' we had a wonderful time, reconnecting with old friends, cooking over campfires, swimming with whales and dolphins, listening to frogs and kookaburras and just enjoying a slower pace of life for a few days.
Camping was hard but also full of joy. We all came home a bit sore and tired but also energised and renewed. Sometimes living in, and being called into God's purpose is not easy. Sometimes it can feel like a lot of hard work. And yet we can take joy and confidence from the promise that even in the midst of that, God is at work bringing about God for us and all those who put their trust in Him.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for all the gifts and joys of your creation. Tank you for calling me into your family and into your plans and purposes. Help me to confidently trust that wherever you lead me, you are at work planning good for all those who put their trust in you. Amen
Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle
Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfil his good purpose.
Too often we think that joy comes in autonomy and freedom to do whatever we want. In fact, it is the opposite which is more true. God created us to live under him and to work alongside himself. We fulfil our purpose and so find real joy in a fulfilled purpose as we seek to serve God and show his love and care to others.
It really should not surprise us. Most of us feel a sense of joy, pride or accomplishment at the sight of a job well done. After all, we were created to be productive, to have purpose and meaning. Yet we often look for that purpose and meaning in all the wrong places, wanting to determine the purpose and meaning of our own lives for ourselves, rather than submitting to the good will and purposes of God for our lives.
If you want a life of purpose and joy, there is no better plan than to put your life in the hands of the one who created it in the first place and see what He wants to do with it. There could be not greater purpose than to be a part of God's eternal plan and purpose.
PRAYER: Lord Jesus, you know that living in the will of God the Father is not always easy. Help me to recognise the joy that comes from serving and following you, even when the path ahead does not look pleasant, help me to trust that your plans for me are good. Amen
Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle
Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.
I can remember a time when kneeling was part of the service. Worship began with music and a hymn, usually one of thanks or praise, then as the service progressed humility and submission to God’s will was acknowledged by kneeling.
Today, we begin worship with praise and thanks giving expressed in music and song. It is our gift to God, praise is an active thing and beside singing we can play musical instruments or raise our hands. In the psalmist’s time there would have been dancing as well. Kneeling isn’t practiced as much today but the service order allows for contemplation and submission to God’s will.
If we wanted to thank and praise God for every good and gracious gift he has given us we would be singing, playing instruments and dancing all day so great is his goodness to us, his greatest gift being his son Jesus whose death set us right with God.
I love it when the last song of the service has words and a beat that makes me want to physically praise God, a song that breaks through my routine making me sing, praise and give thanks at odd times and places.
PRAYER: God of creation you are worthy of my thanks, praise and adoration at all times. You shower me with gifts, you bring me safely through all circumstances and wrap me in your love. I also have your Holy Spirit with me to strengthen my faith so that I can confidently look to being with you in eternity. Thank you for everything you have done and will do. Amen
Today's devotion written by Maureen Macpherson, LifeWay Newcastle
Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
God has always wanted his people to give thanks, in the Old Testament we read about the temple and the required offerings for many situations including thanksgiving.
It’s easy to give thanks in the good times, and sometimes easy to forget, but God’s will is for us to give thanks in all circumstances, that means right in the middle of whatever the circumstance. This can be hard but Jesus didn’t promise us a life free of suffering. Suffering can be like applying heat to metals to refine them, to get rid of the impurities. We can take a deep look at ourselves and ask Jesus to help us identify what holds us back from completely immersing ourselves in his word and the work he wants to do, to refine us.
Suffering, whatever form it takes, if it is personal or corporate, renews and strengthens us as we live out our lives in faith and the knowledge that God keeps his promises.
As we thank God, as we praise him, as we acknowledge the beauty of his creation and his complete control over all things, his joy invades us.
PRAYER: Father God, I know and accept that suffering is a part of life. It is not necessarily a punishment but an opportunity to praise and thank you and draw closer to you. Please give me the words to be able to help others see their circumstances in the same way. Amen
Today's devotion written by Maureen Macpherson, LifeWay Newcastle.