
Fully Engaged in Rebellion

14 July, 2024 Pastor Mark Simpfendorfer

Australians seem to love a rebel. Whether it is a bushranger in a tin suit, a group of underdog miners making a stand at the Eureka Stockade, or an underarm delivery to win a game of cricket, these stories, and other like them, seem to capture the Australian imagination. Sometimes rebels are necessary, sometimes we are called to stand against injustice and to rebel against corrupt regimes. Other times a rebel is just someone bucking against the system out of self righteous indignation or selfish ambition. But a Christian is always a rebel, we are either busy rebelling against God, insisting on doing things our way, or we are walking closely with him, which puts us at odds with the world around us. That's what we'll look at more closely as we explore what it means to be fully engaged in rebellion

#2 in the series 'Fully Engaged'


Fully Engaged in God's Call

7 July, 2024 Pastor Mark Simpfendorfer

In every team sport, the players who make up the team each have a specific role to play. This is perhaps nowhere more evident than in American football, where an entirely different team of players takes the field depending on whether you are attacking or defending. A quarterback calls the play and passes the ball, some are experts at blocking the opposition, others are adept at dodging them, still others have the responsibility of running or catching the ball; no one player can do it all. Jeremiah was called by God for an important task, a task he did not feel equipped for, or capable of, but God called him anyway, and with the assurance that God had everything in hand, Jeremiah got into the game and played his part in a big way. That's what it means to be fully engaged in God's call.

#1 in the series 'Fully Engaged'



30 June, 2024 Pastor Mark Schultz

'Hand-picked.' Whether it's a person you select to join your team, a grape or olive chosen from a particular region for a special bottling, an experience or gift that is specifically identified and settled on for a particular person, the act of handpicking points to a deliberate and intentional choosing for a specific purpose and outcome. When it comes to his mission in the world, God also selects carefully with a particular plan in mind. It's a call that is deeply intentional, deliberately targeted and personally handpicked according to God's purpose. Saul discovered that. So did Ananias. And for both it was a frightening experience. What God handpicks you for may be extremely scary but your faithful obedience and willingness to live courageously in spite of your fear, may just be the catalyst that God uses to release the next Paul he has handpicked into the world.

#6 and final in series "Living Courageously"



23 June, 2024 Pastor Mark Schultz

Echo chambers. We all live in an environment or ecosystem where we become fixed in our views and encounter beliefs that simply amplify or reinforce our preexisting beliefs. An echo chamber is a closed system that confirms our views by its repetition and insulates us from anything that would challenge the protective bubble we build around our lives. Google operates exactly that way. Grab a friend and search the exact same thing, and there is a high probability that your results will differ (unless that person is in your echo chamber too!). It takes courage to break out of the echo chamber. It takes courage to be curious. It takes courage to seek truth, listen to truth and be transformed by truth. It takes courage to ask hard questions and to venture out on a journey of discovery. But it is this living courageously that is at the heart of Nicodemus’ story and it’s a story that can embolden you and help you live with courage when it most matters.

#5 in series: Living Courageously



16 June, 2024 Pastor Mark Simpfendorfer

We love our super heroes. Batman, Superman, Spiderman, Flash and any number of others that frequent our movie theatres or televisions. These characters are larger than life. They give us an escape from all the bad news and fill us with the hope that good will triumph over evil. The Bible is also filled with super heroes, people like Abraham, Moses, David, Esther, Paul, people who are giants in the faith, who stand larger than life and whom we admire for their courage and faith. But that's not most of us. Yet the Bible is also full of unsung heroes, their names often forgotten as the stories are told; their presence often hidden in the shadows of those who are well known. Yet without their acts of service and compassion, their lives of courage and boldness, their willingness to stand against evil and injustice, God's plan of redemption for the world would not be fulfilled. So if you have ever felt that you are nothing special, just a common, ordinary, everyday person, then be encouraged by someone just like you - a common person with an uncommon heart, whose courageous act was pivotal in the unfolding of God's salvation plan. Their name may not be up in lights, or even widely remembered by the world, but they are every bit as important in God's eyes. We will discover one of those unsung heroes today: Ebed-Melek..


Living Courageously: Josiah

9 June, 2024 Pastor Mark Schultz

Headlining the news this past week: "NDIS reforms introduced to slash shocking fraud." "Government proposes reforms for Buy Now Pay Later providers." "Federal Government pushing ahead with major immigration reforms as it looks to control ballooning foreign arrivals" Reform. The need for reform is all around us. When things are not right, when corruption is rife and evil is systemic and institutionalised, reform is needed. But it is hard. It takes courage. The courage we see in Josiah. He refused to let his history shape his story. He took responsibility for what was happening and set about changing it. And when he rediscovered what was lost, the Word of God, it transformed everything; it gave clarity, direction, and purpose. National reform begins with personal reform that is inspired, shaped and continued by the Word. That's the way it has always been and what is needed now. We will explore what this living courageously looks like for you today.

#3 in series: Living Courageously


Living Courageously: the Unnamed Maid

2 June, 2024 Pastor Mark Schultz

The Domino effect. It's a chain reaction that occurs when one event, one action, sets off a series of similar, related, or connected events that can result in far reaching consequences or change. One seemingly innocent yet courageous word or action can turn life upside down and initiate a hope that transforms circumstances. One strategically placed witness at a time of deeply felt need may open doors to belief and healing where it is least expected. You don't need titles before your name or letters after it to do this. You don't need family history or life experience to attempt it. You don't need position or money to have a powerful influence. You may be in a place where you are overlooked, discredited, undervalued or even powerless but when God moves in you to act through ordinary opportunities, he may just cause a chain reaction that has a domino effect in bringing his life-transforming grace to others. That's the courageous living God calls us to today through an unnamed maid.

#2 in series: Living Courageously


Living Courageously: Rehab

26 May, 2024 Pastor Mark Simpfendorfer

Flawed. Imperfect. A scandalous and inescapable past. A dubious present. An uncertain future. These are the people we are quick to distance ourselves from and disassociate with. These are the people that we find it easy to write off as being beyond redemption. But not God. No-one is beyond the reach of his grace and no-one is beyond the scope of his redemption. No-one is that far gone that God can't transform and use for his purposes. So if you have ever lived in fear because of your past, retreat into the shadows because of your present, or believe your future is shot, then hear again the story of Rahab, a prostitute that God writes into the story of redemption. A person that he uses to bring salvation to others. If God can do that for the harlot Rahab, he can do if for you. We'll explore what living courageously through the story of Rahab looks like today.

#1 in series: Living Courageously


Living Exclusively by the Spirit

19 May, 2024 Pastor Mark Schultz

Formation is so important. It's crucial in the development of a child spiritually, emotionally, cognitively and relationally. It's also important educationally as they learn and are taught how to form letters of the alphabet correctly. It's important for sporting teams as part of their defensive and offensive strategy. It's important for ducks as they migrate long distances. It's essential for cyclists in team pursuits. It's beautiful to behold where marvelling at geological wonders. It's also a key part of the walk of a disciple in living exclusively in the Gospel. Living exclusively by the Spirit is God's organic formation process in our lives as we grow and align all of our lives with the character and heart of Jesus. It's the work of the Spirit in our lives as he fills, changes, molds and transforms our lives to produce fruit that looks less like the 'flesh' and more and more like Jesus! We will look at what it means to be a people who are living exclusively by the Spirit today.

#7 and final in series: Living exclusively
