
Pie Drive Fundraiser at Newcastle

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26 September, 2024

LifeWay Newcastle are running a Pie Drive fundraiser to raise some funds to fix up the front entry of the church and improve access for wheelchairs and walkers. Order forms are available from the Church or Vanessa Brown. 

From savoury to sweet, you'll be sure to find something yummy to order!

Orders due by 15th November 

Payments are to be deposited into Account:

LifeWay Lutheran Church Inc | BSB: 012-290 | ACC: 2184-26119 | Reference: PD. SURNAME 

Pick up Date: Friday 6th December after 1pm at 48 Blackall Street Broadmeadow 

For more information contact Vanessa Brown at [email protected]

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Way Forward Resolution Passed

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For more information, go to

A letter from Bishop Richard Schwedes is attached here. Please take the time to read is.
