
The Gift of Power

Grow in grace together as you share your life with others and drill down deeper into the Word and what it means for your life.

You may like to listen to the sermon audio again before doing the study.


An Enduring Faithfulness

Go deeper in this week's theme as we look at how to live with an enduring faithfulness.

If you missed worship this week, go to the sermon tab and have a listen of the sermon before getting into the study guide.

Enjoy growing in grace together!


An Enduring Faithfulness

Go deeper in this week's theme as we look at how to live with an enduring faithfulness.

If you missed worship this week, go to the sermon tab and have a listen of the sermon before getting into the study guide.

Enjoy growing in grace together!


An Enduring Faithfulness

Go deeper in this week's theme as we look at how to live with an enduring faithfulness.

If you missed worship this week, go to the sermon tab and have a listen of the sermon before getting into the study guide.

Enjoy growing in grace together!


An Enduring Joy

Grow in grace together as you go deeper into the Word of 1 Thessalonians 3 to discover an Enduring Joy.


The Enduring Gospel

Grow in grace together as you delve deeper into the Word of 1 Thessalonians an discover an Enduring Gospel that unleashes you with power to make a real difference in your home, community and workplace. It's a faith that will be noticed.


A Journey of Life

Grow deeper in the resurrection life of Jesus as we explore our Easter Sunday text from Matthew 28:1-10


A Journey of Hope

Grow deeper in Christ as you enter into a journey of hope this Passion Week.


No Shortcuts Around Death.

Today we finish this series in the place we all want to avoid, but know we’ll eventually all end up…the grave…as there simply are No Shortcuts around Death Many of us are uneasy about death. Its date is unpredictable, its process is unknown, what follows is mysterious. Yet we know it will happen to every one of us. Amid the smell of death which surrounds us, Jesus reveals to us again that he is the power that gives everything life and keeps everything alive. So grab a cuppa or some food, your Bible and some others and delve deeper into God's Word that you might discover his fragrance of life that will always overpower the stench of death.
