A Journey of Life

Grow deeper in the resurrection life of Jesus as we explore our Easter Sunday text from Matthew 28:1-10


A Journey of Hope

Grow deeper in Christ as you enter into a journey of hope this Passion Week.


No Shortcuts Around Death.

Today we finish this series in the place we all want to avoid, but know we’ll eventually all end up…the grave…as there simply are No Shortcuts around Death Many of us are uneasy about death. Its date is unpredictable, its process is unknown, what follows is mysterious. Yet we know it will happen to every one of us. Amid the smell of death which surrounds us, Jesus reveals to us again that he is the power that gives everything life and keeps everything alive. So grab a cuppa or some food, your Bible and some others and delve deeper into God's Word that you might discover his fragrance of life that will always overpower the stench of death.


No Shortcuts to Belief

Go deeper as we look at the text from last week's sermon more deeply and apply this living word to our lives.


No Shortcuts to wholeness

Go deeper into the word we heard this past Sunday as you grow in grace together with others with this LifeGroup Guide.


No Shortcuts to Salvation

Grow in grace together as you delve deeper into the Word we heard last Sunday on John 3:1-21.


No Shortcuts through Temptation

Click on the link below to delve deeper into last weeks message with your LifeGroup on Matthew 4:1-11 as we discover the power and promise God gives so we can 'no' to the shortcut through temptation.


Radical Prayer


On the lips of a person lying in hospital in a coma, these words form.  In the midst of personal tragedy or hardship, these words bring tears to eyes.  In times of doubt or want or struggle, these words give strength.  They are words for every season.  Words so simple, brief and yet comprehensive.  Words which radically make a difference.  For in Jesus Christ we discover the most important truth in the world – our God is a father who invites us into the intimacy of his love and who promises to respond more abundantly than we could ever imagine. 

As God promises: ‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’  Jeremiah 33:3.

In this study we discover the radical prayer that transforms our lives and aligns our hearts with our Father in heaven. 



 “When you pray...your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him! Pray like this: Our Father in heaven...” Matthew 6:7ff


The radical simplicity of the Lord’s prayer is that it contains the rhythm of a blessed life.  It starts with God, moves to our human needs and rises to God again.  God is in this prayer.  We are in this prayer.  The past, the present and the future are in this prayer. The deepest things of life are wrapped up an find fulfilment in the presence of our heavenly Father.


Radical Love


Love has been on the lips of many people this past week with the celebration of Valentine’s Day. But just consider how we use the word “love” I love meat. I love Holdens. I love serving LifeWay. I love my wife. I love my kids.  I love Jesus. The same word was used 6 times but we all know that each time something different and specific was meant. As his disciples, Jesus calls us to love in a radically new way; a way that has no regard to cost but is expansive and open to the outsider. It’s a love that is devoted to living the image of Jesus and the life of the Kingdom in every encounter and every relationship, every day. That’s the radical love we are going to explore in this study.


Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. Matthew 5:48


The call to radical love is nothing more than being the person and community God has created you to be, just as God is the One God is supposed to be. God has so much confidence in you and will always call you to be more than you thought you could, returning hate with love, turning the other cheek, praying for those who stand against you. Through his love at work in you, Christ is redeeming, transforming, and drawing people into the life of his kingdom; a life in which they and you can truly flourish.
