
Titus 3:5

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27 August, 2022




He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit.


Our family had an arts and crafts weekend recently. We did lots of things from colouring in and drawing, through to modelling with air drying clay. One activity we all really enjoyed though was making some wearable art through the age old process of tie dyeing. The great thing about tie dying is the way you can bring new life to an old item of clothing. To be fair, we did buy new cheap white tee-shirts for the kids, but Elise and I found an old, tired, somewhat less than white tee shirt from our wardrobes and gave them a new life full of colour and renewal.

Funny thing about it is that there is quite a lot of washing involved in the process of tie dyeing too. Just like we are washed in our baptism, so too the new pattern of colour does not become visible until the garment has had a decent wash.

Basically what I'm getting at today is this... even if you think you have come to the end of your usefulness God is busy making all things new, even you! As long as you walk upon this earth and still draw breath, God has a purpose and a part in his plan for you. It might look different than you expected - just like a tie dyed tee-shirt - but it will always bring life and colour to the lives of others.


Heavenly Father, you know how you made and designed me, you made me for a specific purpose and with particular tasks in mind. Help me to recognise the shape that you have given me, help me to make the most of the new life that I now have in you. Please use me and my life to bring your life and light into the lives of others. Amen