
Romans 9:20-21

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27 January, 2024



ROMANS 9:20-21

But who are you O man, that you talk back to God? “ Shall what is formed say to him who formed it, “Why did you make me like this?” Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use?



I was about five years old when I questioned Jesus. The Sunday School teacher had a great fondness for the song - Jesus bids us shine, with a clear bright light, Like a little candle burning in the night, In this world of darkness we must shine, you in my small corner, and I in mine. 

I had two issues - surely Jesus had the power to see in the dark. The other was about safety; at that time we still depended on oil lamps and candles and as candles lit our way to bed our parents made us aware of the dangers from an early age. I imagined children all over the world sitting in corners holding candles and what might happen if their parents didn’t explain the dangers as mine did.  

After two years of singing this song all these worries got to much for me and I burst out that I thought Jesus might not understand that candles could be dangerous.  I can still feel the silence before the teacher began to explain the words and the idea was Jesus loved us so much he died for us so we show or love for him by doing work like the song said.

We all cry out to God at times of great stress, sadness, the state of the world or a myriad of other reasons. Even Jesus cried out his Father. It’s what we do after that cry that matters -do we take it to God in prayer gaining hope, peace, forgiveness or hold on to the hurt, anger, jealousy, building an enmity toward God?

God made this universe, this world and everything in it ,including humans, and said it was good. So there is no reason for complaint, but man sinned, God had given him free will and so he complains. God is love, righteous, forgiving, we can earn nothing for ourselves. God makes those choices, he doesn’t harden our hearts, we harden our heart first and God works with that just as he did with Pharaoh

Paul likens God to a potter sitting at his wheel and working on a lump of clay [us].  He works this rough piece of dirt making it smooth and pliable before he begins to create what ever he wishes; if he finds a flaw he can rework that clay, he will start again.  Whatever he creates has equal value no matter what its eventual use maybe. That piece of clay cannot suddenly stand up and say I do not want to be this ash tray, I want to be a Ming vase; likewise we cannot dispute the quality God gives us, it mightn't be grand or notable, it might be ordinary, everyday, something not held in high esteem. But what God holds is useful for the purpose he has created. We are to simply work at being who he has designed us to be, and then we will shine, you in your small corner and I in mine.



Sovereign God I know I have complained to you when things aren’t as I would have liked, cried out in anger or distress at some personal loss. Forgive me when I didn’t immediately realise you didn’t  single me out for you are a righteous God, not one who punishes. May I always remember this and call to you in prayer to talk my issue over. If needs be Lord, remould this flawed lump of clay to be the worker in your vineyard you want me to be.  Amen.

Today's devotion is written by LifeWay Newcastle member and Jesus disciple Maureen Macpherson