
Romans 8:28

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30 May, 2024




And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.


I'm keeping things short today. I think when we talk about God's calling on our lives or discovering his 'purpose' for each of us as individuals, we tend to over complicate it. God has never hidden his purpose from us. In fact, if you actually read through scripture, from Genesis to Revelation, God's purpose seems pretty clear, to restore what was lost at the fall. To restore humanity and all of creation to God's original sin free plan. To bring back into a right relationship with himself, all things.

This is why he chose Abraham and his descendants, 'to be a blessing to all nations'. He was at work through the descendants of Abraham to bring about his plan of salvation for all the World, Jesus Christ. Now Jesus has sent us, his followers and disciples to go and make more disciples. There is almost an echo of God's command to all living things in Genesis 1, "go forth, be fruitful and multiply, ... fill the earth". In the same way Jesus says, 'go forth you disciples and make more disciples in all nations of the world, go fill the earth with disciples."

That's the purpose God has for each of us, it might be carried out in different ways and through different gifts, but the purpose is the same, to reunite us with himself, and then to be at work through us, calling and uniting others to himself. That's it, God works all things towards that end. You've been called to be part of the process.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, help me to walk each day according to your plan and your purpose.

Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle