
Romans 7:4

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16 September, 2023




So, my brothers and sisters, you also died to the law through the body of Christ, that you might belong to another, to him who was raised from the dead, in order that we might bear fruit for God.


I always find verses like this one difficult to get my head around. There is something about 'belonging to another' that just doesn't 'feel' right given what I have come to understand about freedom and autonomy from the culture and world in which I live.

And yet, just as we now belong to Christ by virtue of His own life, death and resurrection, there is something similar that happens when we commit ourselves to one another in marriage. We don't say it in so many words but our marriage vows usually imply that we are voluntarily giving ourselves to the other 'to have and to hold until death do us part'.

It occurs to me that this kind of giving of oneself requires a great deal of trust that the other is not going to take advantage of the gift. Surprisingly, many people both inside and outside of God's family are willing to 'give themselves' to a spouse in marriage but are not willing to really 'give themselves' to the God of the universe, who made them, redeemed them, died and rose for them all to demonstrate his love and faithfulness toward them.

Perhaps today you might consider if you really have allowed yourself to 'belong to God' or are you still calling the shots in your relationship with Him? What would it take for you to completely give yourself to him???

PRAYER: Lord God you have demonstrated your faithfulness to me time and time again and yet I know I often resist giving you control of my life and putting myself, and my family and friends in your hands. So I ask your forgiveness and that you would help me to trust you more as the source and sustainer of my life. Amen

Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle