
Romans 5:6

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7 January, 2023




You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.


Listening to radio and chat show television recently, there have been a number of debates about "the right time" for certain things. When is the right time to take down your Christmas decorations? Is it too early for hot cross buns to be appearing on the supermarket shelves? Is it the right time for another interest rate rise? We may have some power over some of these things and a lot less over others.

In fact, when you look through the Bible, it is often when people are completely powerless that God acts most powerfully. Joseph, attacked by his brothers and sold as a slave, becomes second in command over all Egypt and saves not only Egypt, but his own family from famine. Moses, after fleeing Egypt as a murderer, is called by God to free the Israelites. David, the young shepherd boy slays the giant Goliath and eventually becomes King over Israel. Jesus, born in a manger, to a humble and lowly carpenter and his young wife came into the world to become its saviour at just the right time.

God moves in our weakness so that we will know it is Him who has done great things and that we will give him the glory. In the midst of your sinfulness, Christ died for you. What makes you think that in the midst of your insecurities, doubts and fears that God won't show up, especially now that you are his dearly beloved children in Christ?


God, I am so often guilty of thinking that I am doing life on my own. I can often overlook the fact that you are with me and that with you, all things are possible. Please help me in my insecurity and deficiencies, to remember that in your power is made perfect in my weakness. Help me to trust that when I follow where you lead, you will supply all my needs. Amen.

Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle.