
Romans 12:9-13

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3 February, 2024



ROMANS 12:9-13

Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honour one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervour, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.


I don't know if you have noticed during the week, but I think perhaps this verse shows it most clearly - the contrast between the kind of community God's people are to be and the kind of culture/society that surrounds us today.

'Devote yourselves to one another in love' could this be any more opposite to what we are seeing in the Middle East, between Russia and Ukraine, even between political parties right here in Australia. No one seems to be thinking about what is best for others but we are all encouraged to think about what is best for us, for me and my family and to fight tooth and nail until we get what we think we deserve.

Our world does not seem to honour others, unless they can help us to get more honour for ourselves.

We might see a lot of zeal and fervour over a number of issues on the TV news. It seems almost every one is prepared to take a side on any issue and fight to the death until they have their way, but it's never about the things that God seems to care about in His Word. Our passion and zeal only seem to show when they serve our own agendas, not God's.

Joy, patience, and faithfulness seem in short supply and are more often replaced with anxiety, intolerance, and corruption. Sharing and generosity are forgotten as we tighten our purse strings in order to look out for number 1, and hospitality seems almost missing from our communities where people are increasingly feeling alone and isolated.

Our community is to be different, we are to be different. Can you imagine the kind of community described in Romans 12? That is what God is calling us and wanting us to be. That is what God, through Christ and by the Holy Spirit is empowering and equipping us to be.

So what are we waiting for. What's holding you back?


Lord Jesus, you have called us to be different and often different is hard, but you know that because people saw that you were different and as a result they hung you on a cross. Please help me to bear the cross of looking and being different than the world around me. Help me to know that while the world may reject me, as it rejected you, that you have accepted me and that I am yours. Amen

Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle