
Romans 12:9-10

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24 July, 2022



ROMANS 12:9-10

Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honour;


It's become an art form in modern football. Faking contact for a free kick. Players throw their head back, exaggerate contact, or lower their shoulders to try and force high contact in order to to win a free from the umpire. It's seen every weekend on the screen, as players fake contact, throwing their heads back as if they have been hit high. When the crowds see the incident replayed on the big screen and they see the lack of genuine contact, when they see the player fake contact, they let the umpires and the player who faked it through loud booing of the decision.

'Let love be genuine or without hypocrisy', Paul urges us. The life transformed by Christ is a life that is genuinely lived for others. A life renewed by Jesus is not focussed or concerned about trying to look good in the eyes of others, or doing things that get noticed by others. Rather it has genuine or sincere concern for others. The external act or behaviour is congruent with the inside intention, motivation, or desire. Hypocrisy is all about falsehood, deceit, misleading, hiding or covering up the real thing. As people who have received the genuine and true love of God in Jesus Christ, our transformed hearts and lives are to reflect that deep genuine love that wants the best, the love of Christ, for others. Let love be without hypocrisy. Maybe today, it is a good opportunity to spend some time to reflect on the things you do for others and why you do them.


Lord Jesus, thank you for your genuine love which was willing to give up everything you had so I could have it. Let your love inspire my living so that each day my life may reflect the same self-giving love you have shown to me. Amen.