
Romans 12:1

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8 August, 2022




Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.


One of the other things you might notice about the book of Esther is that there is not much talk of worship or prayer, no reading of the scriptures, not much sign of a devotional life at all except for a fast in chapter 4. In fact, many of the things that Esther and Mordecai get involved with would usually be considered outside of the Jewish laws. Yet in the midst of all the chaos around them, what is clear is that Mordecai and Esther move forward in view of God's mercy. They offer themselves as tools, as living sacrifices to God through which he can bring about his plan to save his people.

This is what Paul reminds us of in today's reading. A life of worship is not just about attending church on Sunday or listening to Christian music or radio in the car, or spending hours locked in a prayer room. All of these things however, are still beneficial. But the key to a life of worship is in being mindful that now that you belong to God, thanks to the price paid by Jesus on the cross, he now has a plan for you; a plan to use you for his purposes in the world. Your life is not really your own, it belongs to him - living in light of that reality is true and proper worship.


Lord Jesus, You paid for me with your own life as you hung on the cross for my sake and the sake of all the world. Help me to live each day as a living sacrifice. Give me the courage and confidence to be used by you so that I might help serve your purpose in this world. Amen

Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle