
Romans 1:16

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13 April, 2024




For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.


Alright, it's time to talk about inclusive and exclusive. These words have taken on a life of their own in recent years and have come to be used in ways which I do not believe they were intended. In fact it seems at though they have almost come to replace each other.

Christianity has been labelled by many in the secular community as an exclusive religion - that it excludes people who do not fit a certain image, who do not live their lives in accordance with a certain set of prescribed rules and teachings. Where the opposite is in fact the case. Christianity, when understood and practiced in accordance with the gospel recognises that all of us are flawed and acknowledges that any person, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, social or economic status can receive the gift of God's grace. Christianity is perhaps the most inclusive of all world religions.

On the flip side, generally speaking, many of those within our communities who consider themselves to be accepting and inclusive of those who have non traditional worldviews or self expressions, are often quick to silence or exclude from the discussion anyone who holds a different perspective from their own.

The one exclusive claim of Christianity, and it is not one we need to apologise for, is that accepting Jesus as your Lord and saviour and acknowledging his life, death and resurrection as the only way to a restored relationship with your creator is the only way to receive the grace and forgiveness of God. The gospel of Jesus is the exclusive way - in that it is the only way, there is no other to be restored to the Father, yet it is ultimately inclusive because Jesus makes that way open to all who wish to accept it.

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, please help me to remember that you made the way to the Father open to all; not just those who are like me, not just those who look, think, believe and sound like me, but all those who hear your voice and answer your call. Help me to live an inclusive faith where others recognise and feel your invitation and experience your love and grace in me. Amen

Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle