
Romans 10:9

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1 April, 2024




 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.


Fuddy duddy...kerfuffle...hobnob...tomfoolery...dapper...spiffy...balderdash...fisticuffs...rambunctious...skedaddle.

What these words have in common is that they are all examples of old-fashioned words that are rarely used anymore but also sound strange to modern ears.

There is another word that sounds equally strange to modern's the word 'salvation'. Outside of the Church it is not a word that is used very often at all. But while it may not be used often, it is the truth that people are searching for...a hope...a freedom...a future....a purpose in life. All of these Paul tells us are gifts that come through faith. A faith that simply believes that Christ has done everyone for us, completed everything for us, restored everything for us. Receiving his work for us doesn't require anything but an acknowledgement that he is only way that we can obtain in. Nothing can separate us from his love. Nothing can keep us apart from him. That's the glorious gift that is yours today. All that remains is to live in that in the security of your salvation today!


Lord Jesus, thank you for doing what I could never do. Thank you for saving me. Help me to boldly confess you before others for yo are all that matters and you are all I need. Amen.