
Revelation 7:9

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30 July, 2022




After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could count, from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and palm branches were in their hands...


Some of the most inspirational moments I have experienced in life have been in worship - both formal and informal worship. A few years ago I was in a conference, and the speaker played a certain song with a certain rhythm and a whole group at the conference stood up, started dancing and singing and broke out in spontaneous worship. It was awesome, majestic and a privilege to participate in. It was so infectious that everyone in the room joined in, people of all nations and ethnicities gathered around the throne of God's grace. The following Sunday we worshiped at an African American Church and the energy was breathtaking as the diverse people of God gathered together to worship God. I've experienced it in Thailand and Cambodia as the worship of God's people wraps us up, draws us in, makes us one and involves us in a celebration of who God is. There is nothing like it. It's a glimpse of heaven on earth, a foretaste of what we will experience forever in heaven. What a gift and privilege to be part of a community like this. What a joy to celebrate the oneness we have in Christ. What a victory we share...even now...every time we gather together as the family of God! Immerse yourself in it!


Lord Jesus, thank you for the victory you have won for me. Thank you for the community you have created me to be a part of. Together may we glorify you. Amen.