
Revelation 3:22

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6 June, 2022




'He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’


Have you ever been accused of 'selective' hearing? We tend to use it in reference to people only hearing what they want to hear. But selective hearing is actually the ability to focus on and listen to a single speaker in a crowded or loud environment; to have selective auditory attention as it is sometimes called. Researchers have shown that our brain chooses what to listen to on the basis on what we are trying to do. So if someone talks to me while I am watching the football, I am probably not going to hear much of what is said because my brain prioritised the football commentary on the tv over the voices speaking to me because my goal was to watch the football!

Which makes our verse today very interesting. This is the seventh time that John is told, "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches." The Holy Spirit is at work in our lives, speaking to us as a Church together and also as members of Christ's church. He is, as Luther says, "calling us through the Gospel, enlightening us with his gifts and sanctifying and keeping us in true faith." The Holy Spirit is the one who helps us live and walk the way of Jesus. So are we hearing and understanding what the Spirit says to us because our goal is to live by the Spirit (selective auditory attention)? Or have we selectively tuned out the voice of the Spirit because other voices - success, peer respect, achievements, comfort, __________ (you fill in the blank) are actually our priority and goal? Are you cold, hot or lukewarm when it comes to your relationship with Jesus? Have you become complacent or apathetic when it comes to your faith? Are you intentional and focussed on living, sharing and growing in the life and way of Jesus? Spend some time this morning, as we start this work week, in self-examination. Let the Spirit guide you as you listen, understand and live what he says to you.


Come Holy Spirit, give me ears that prioritise listening, understanding and obeying what you are saying to me today, that I may experience the joy and peace that your presence gives. Amen.