
Revelation 21:3

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29 May, 2022




And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them.  They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.”


Sounds like a rally chant.  “Who are we?”   “God’s People!”  “Who am I?” “God’s Beloved!”

This reminds me of the crucifixion.  The 10cm interwoven thick curtain hung at the Temple Holy of Holies, the room where God resided and  the high priest entered once a year to atone for the sins of all the people.  When Jesus died on the cross, this curtain was torn in half from top to bottom. By God. What a rally cry from the Father and Holy Spirit, declaring the crucifixion a victory, declaring God was coming out with Jesus to be among his people.  

God is our God and we are his people.  So, how’s that working out for me?  Is there a thick curtain around my heart and head?  Do I keep God in my private Holy of Holies, unshared, unspoken of, barely acknowledged even by myself.  Will I allow the power of the cross to tear that barrier in half today, and let God be my God this week, working in his strength, power, love and grace to do whatever he calls me to do?


Jesus, you are my God, I am your people, reveal to me and tear down (gently if need be) all barriers I build that not only prevent me from sharing you, but prevent me from knowing you fully.  Amen

Today's devotion written by Barb Niczynski, LifeWay Illawarra