
Psalm 93:5

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10 August, 2023



PSALM 93:5

Your statutes, Lord, stand firm; holiness adorns your house for endless days.


Your what? Statutes? What’s a statute? I’ve filled out a ‘Statutory Declaration’, which in its context, was telling the authorities that you did not break the law (usually associated with speeding or running a red light).   

Another translation (The Message) of the above verse says ‘What you say goes—it always has. “Beauty” and “Holy” mark your palace rule, God, to the very end of time. That’s a great translation – because it reminds us of the promises of God. Some scholars tell us there are 7000 promises from God in scripture. That’s reassuring because God never breaks a promise. God always follows through. God does not lie, so there is comfort in knowing that whatever God says, God does!  

PRAYER: God of Promises, thank you that you are always there, that you are never absent, that you watch over us, walk alongside us, cry when we cry, rejoice when we rejoice – and generally do that God-stuff well. Forgive us when we forget how generous your love and care for us is. Amen   

Today's devotion written by Mark Simpfendorfer, LifeWay Epping