
Psalm 72:1-2

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23 June, 2022



PSALM 72:1-2

Endow the king with your justice, O God, the royal son with your righteousness. May he judge your people in righteousness, your afflicted ones with justice.


Psalm 72 is credited as a psalm of King Solomon, the king who asked God to grant him wisdom to rule God's people wisely and to administer justice fairly and rightly.

We might not be kings and queens like they had in the days of ancient Israel, but in Christ we are sons and daughters of the king of heaven, we are royal sons and daughters, just like Solomon and just like he requested, we have been endowed with Christ's own righteousness.

What does that mean? Well it means that when we are living first and foremost out of a right relationship with Christ, approaching life with Him as our central focus, then increasingly our lives will reflect his justice, mercy, love, and forgiveness. And just as encountering the justice, mercy, love and forgiveness of Jesus led us to faith in Him, those same traits (the gospel) on display in our lives will draw people to faith in him also.


Heavenly Father, just as Solomon prayed for wisdom, make me wise in seeking and following you. As you draw me deeper into your love and mercy, may they become more evident in my life and draw others into your arms of divine grace and love. Amen

Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle.