
Psalm 71:18

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18 March, 2024



PSALM 71:18

Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, my God,

till I declare your power to the next generation, your mighty acts to all who are to come.


I've been interacting with a number of older people lately how have been asking a similar question, "What is God's plan for me at this stage of my life?"

Many of these people are confused or frustrated because their aging bodies no longer allow them to participate or contribute to the life of the church in the ways that they used to. Many are sad or concerned that their own children have moved away from the church and often from faith in Jesus.

This was something that was lamented at our recent district synod, the fact that across Lutheran churches of the ACT and NSW, many of our congregations are empty of young people. While that is undoubtedly a sad situation, one of the things I love seeing at Newcastle is the way our older people take seriously the task of passing on the faith to the next generation. It doesn't really take much. In fact, it is precisely what the psalmist is talking about that has kept our kids engaged. When we adults take the time to get to know the children and share with them what God has done in our lives and create space for them to share with us what God is doing in their lives, then we can be mutually encouraged and help each other to see the might acts of God - even if we are old and grey

PRAYER: young people in our churches andthey in our wider communities. Help me to be an encourager and supporter of people younger than myself. Help me to proclaim your might deed to all those who come behind me. Amen

Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle