
Psalm 51:11

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20 February, 2023



PSALM 51:11

Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me.


Occasionally the devil whispers in our ear that we have done something so terrible that God wants nothing more to do with us. Our guilt may feel painful, and the fear of separation unbearable. 

One evening, King David found himself looking out over Jerusalem. As he looked, his gaze stopped at the house of his general and friend Uriah. On the roof top, the most beautiful woman David had ever seen was bathing. His desire burnt so powerfully that he commanded Uriah back to the war and ordered him to the front line and so, too a predictable death. David was free to marry his heart’s desire, Bathsheba. 

In this Psalm we witness his anguish. Do not murder, do not commit adultery! We can hear the thoughts churning in David’s mind and his heart being crushed by his sin. “Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me.”

At the cross, Jesus united all of creation with himself (John 12:32 & John 17:21). You are in him, and he is in you. His Holy Spirit will never be taken from you. He is with you to the very end. (Matthew 28:20). There is no escaping the love of God. Not in the depths, nor in the heights, nor in all of creation.

He is with you to stay. The news from the cross is that you are forgiven. 

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you that you will never abandon me. Create in me a new heart and put a new and right spirit within me for today. Amen.