
Psalm 4:8

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22 September, 2022




In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.


Ah peace! Where do I find it? How do I get it? Because sometimes, that’s all I strive for. A little bit of peace please. Stop with all the notifications on my phone. Enough of the updates when I start or close the computer. Cease sending all the junk and spam emails I take the time to delete!

And the traffic some days! It’s back to pre-Covid levels, meaning, a lot! ‘Catch public transport’ you say. I would, when it runs efficiently, or when it runs at all!  

God says, ‘Okay’. Here’s some things I’ve done for you. Maybe you’ve forgotten them, so I’m happy to remind you. I’ve given you the night so you can have some peace. I’ve given you the knowledge to find whatever information you need to have an easier trip to work.  I’ve given you the ability – if you so choose - to stay away from your screens. And by the way, I’ll be watching over you, and be keeping you safe during the day, and then when you get home at night’. 

Thanks God.         


You alone O Lord, make me dwell in safety. Teach me to judge rightly and dwell in peace. Amen 

Today's devotion written by Mark Simpfendorfer, LifeWay Epping