
Psalm 17:15

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21 March, 2023



PSALM 17:15

As for me, I will be vindicated and will see your face; when I awake, I will be satisfied with seeing your likeness.


In times of opposition from godless people whose whole lives revolve around material matters, God’s faithful followers can enjoy God’s fellowship now. We can also look forward to divine deliverance and to seeing the Lord one day. Our hope lays in a continuing relationship with God. We find comfort in our relationship with God as being superior to what the wicked enjoyed. We should also know that in addition, when we die, we will go into the Lord’s presence and from then on be with Him.

Nothing but God can satisfy the wishes of a mortal spirit like ours. He made it with infinite capacities and desires; and he alone, the infinite God, can meet and gratify these desires. No soul was ever satisfied but by God; and he satisfies our soul only by restoring it to his image.


Heavenly Father, I pray that you would help me to see your face in all things. Help me to be satisfied with all that you do for me and give to me each day. May I always remember the price you paid to make me your own and the love that you have shown me by sending Jesus to die in my place. Help me each day to be more like Jesus. Amen

Today's devotion writer by Francis Leung, LifeWay Epping