
Psalm 16:11

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3 October, 2023



PSALM 16:11

You have made known to me the path of life; you fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.


My dad read the psalms and hymns of praise to us. As a child I did not understand them but dad had a sing song way of doing this and it always made me feel happy and safe.

Growing up I learned the history of the Psalms but never quite understood until one day someone said they are hymns of praise and I should try singing them. Have you ever done that? If not, try it, but beware you could end up dancing or banging on a saucepan as well.

Today we do not face the same problems as the psalmist but we know in the world around us there are worrying issues, disasters both natural and man made but instead of dwelling on them, remember that God is walking beside us and praise him for all that he has done. The wonder and beauty and intricacy of his creation, his unfailing gift of providing our daily needs, giving us Jesus who died that our sin would be forgiven, the Holy Spirit to nurture our faith that we can, like David, be filled with joy and look to the endless joy of being with God in eternity.

Go outside, sit quietly, praise God, He is sovereign and  in control, praise drives out fear, this gives you strength to serve God and waves of joy will wash over you 

PRAYER: Loving God of all creation, forgive me when I dwell on the dark side of the world, may I counteract the fear it can cause by living as your resurrection child and boldly telling the good news of the Gospel so that everyone can live free of fear and experience the joy of your presence in their lives.  Amen

Today's devotion written by Maureen Macpherson, LifeWay Newcastle.