
Psalm 145:6

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3 September, 2022



PSALM 145:6

They tell of the power of your awesome works- and I will proclaim your great deeds.


Our most remarkable holiday was our safari to East Africa particularly the Serengeti National Park in Northern Tanzania. Our camp was on the border with the Kenyan Maasai Mara on the Mara River. The Olduvai Gorge is in this region where Professor Leakey discovered many hominid fossils including Homo Sapiens. This area is referred to as the cradle of mankind. 

We were blessed to witness the migration of the wildebeests and zebras, the largest migration in the world with 800,000 animals crossing from Kenya to Tanzania. This park is located in the East Rift Valley and people are not allowed to live in this area with no hunting, and no guns. There are a few approved camps controlled tightly by the government.

On our game drives, we saw the magnificent animals up close living in the paradise that God created. At night we lay in our canvas tents listening to the animals walking two metres away. They were not interested in us!

Creation is full of God's awesome works, let's celebrate and share them with each other!


Thank you God for allowing us to see your creative power and amazing works in your creation. Help us to see the work you continue to do in and through our lives and proclaim your great deeds to all the world.

Today's devotion written by Paul and Ruth Niemczyk, LifeWay Epping.