
Psalm 133:1

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14 February, 2023



PSALM 133:1

How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!


Yesterday, arguably the biggest sporting event in America played itself out, the Super Bowl. I know it might be a foreign game to a lot of us here in Australia but one of the things that I find interesting about it is the very specialised and specific roles each player on the team has to carry out every time a play is made. In fact an entirely different set of players takes the field when the ball is turned over and a team starts playing defence instead of offence.

Sometimes I think we misunderstand unity with uniformity. An NFL team playing in the Super Bowl, or an AFL playing in a grand final contain numerous players who all have an individual role or contribution to make to the team. Their unity comes from their common purpose, to win games and take hoe the premiership trophy or a Super Bowl ring.

God has made us all with unique gifts, talents and abilities - we are not uniform - we are different, yet the purpose or goal God has given all of us as his children is to bring the good news of Jesus to those who have not yet heard it. As long as we are all making a contribution to the team towards that goal, then it is a beautiful and pleasant thing when we live together in unity of purpose.


Lord God, So often your people don't see eye to eye, we disagree and argue and often hurt each other. Help me to keep your purpose as my focus and to work together with others to see your kingdom come here on earth as it is in heaven. Amen

Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle