
Psalm 127:2

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21 September, 2022



PSALM 127:2

In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat—for he grants sleep to those he loves.


Do you sometimes have trouble sleeping? Are there things going around in your head that keep you awake? I must admit, there are times when my sleep is interrupted, where there seems to be no room in my head for peace, as the things going around and around can’t be resolved. 

This text is a reminder of who we are, and whose we are. As the overplayed theme song for the film Frozen (hopefully that’s not going around in your head) says, ‘Let it Go’. Let go and let God. Often, we can’t resolve those problems. In fact, when a problem seems insurmountable, give it to God. He’s big enough to handle anything thrown at him, especially by us humans, as he’s been doing it for a long time – and won’t stop. 

Under God’s watchful care, His children – you and me – can rest, committing our cares to His loving hand. 

Do you want a reminder of God’s watchfulness over you? Reflect on this beautiful song:


Carer of all, thank you for holding our hand all day – even when we didn’t realise. Continue to watch over our lives, stay by our side, and hold us through the night. Amen   

Today's devotion written by Mark Simpfendorfer, LifeWay Epping