
Proverbs 3:17

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1 March, 2023




“Her [wisdom's] ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace”. CJSB (Complete Jewish Study Bible)


My NIV bible heads this chapter “Wisdom bestows Well-Being”, but I also like what I read in my Jewish Study Bible Intro to Proverbs: “Wisdom is not an inborn trait, temperament, or intellectual acumen, but rather an experiential relationship to the Creator.”  Sometimes we refer to the Holy Spirit as Wisdom, or even Lady Wisdom.  Today’s verse is about peace, and it says, “all her paths are peace”, not just some days, some moments, some situations. It reminds us that all her paths are peace, not just the good days, but the tough days, the unsettling days, the terrible days, or for me the dry barren days.  These are the very days we rest in the peace of the Spirit, whether we feel it or not.  With absolute trust we place ourselves at the centre of the Spirit of God within our own spirit, our own soul, our own mind, and own body.  Then I am part of something larger, better, safer, and more peaceful than I can ever accomplish in my own ways.  

Prayer: Come Holy Spirit, Wisdom of God, bring your peace to our hearts, souls, minds, and spirit today and centre us in your presence. Amen.

Today's devotion written by Barb Niczynski, LifeWay Illawarra.