
Proverbs 28:1

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11 March, 2023




The wicked flee though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion. (NIV)


I have a friend who is from the wrong side of the tracks, she had an abusive upbringing, she has struggled with addiction, and mental illness. My friend moved hundreds of kilometres from her home, to a different state in the hopes of getting a fresh start, a new beginning and that’s how I met her.

I noticed one day she was having a bad day, so I asked her her if everything was ok and she told me how she felt like everything was falling apart and how stressed she was. After praying for her I went and bought a card and wrote a message about how proud I was of her because I see how far she has come (I’m getting old, so I can say things like that). 

The next time I saw her, she was a different person, with a different attitude. She came up with tears in her eyes and thanked me for the card and for believing in her. Nothing had changed in her circumstances but for her things were different because somebody had believed in her.

Today’s verse is about the power of grace, our righteousness is not based on anything we did or will do but on what Jesus did, our boldness is a result of God being proud of us when we can’t be proud of ourselves.

His grace supercharges us.

PRAYER:  Mighty Saviour, I am so thankful for your amazing grace, that you came down to earth as a servant, giving your life for me, a lowly nobody from the wrong side of the tracks. Amen.

Today's devotion written by Danny Brock, LifeWay Westside