
Proverbs 23:17-18

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21 April, 2023



PROVERBS 23:17-18

Do not let your heart envy sinners,

    but always be zealous for the fear of the Lord.

There is surely a future hope for you,

    and your hope will not be cut off.


"Get your hand off it". "Stop it, or you'll cop it!" These are just two of the campaigns the NSW Government have rolled out in recent years to target distracted drivers. A driver who looks at their phone for 2 seconds while travelling at 100 km/h will travel over 55 metres blind leading to serious consequences for the person themselves or for others. It's all about focus. Keeping your eyes on the road. Keeping your eyes on where you are heading. That's the same message the wisdom writer is encouraging us to pursue. Be focussed in your living. Keep focus on the right things.

As Christians, it is easy to be distracted by things in the world. We spend our energy being jealous about what others have and pursue things that the world tells us we are supposed to have - money, a house, stuff, the latest gadget or fashion accessory - you know exactly what it is for you. That desire of the heart is real. The danger of losing focus is also real. But that momentary lapse of concentration can cause a lot of hurt to those around us, to ourselves, to our relationships, to those we love. Sometimes it can also be fatal. That's why the writer says make sure you stay focussed. Focus on the Lord. Focus on what is truly and eternally important. Focus on road that God has called us to travel down, focus on Jesus and you will arrive home matter how long the journey takes.


Lord God, keep me focussed on living and loving your way today whatever distractions the day throws at me. Amen.