
Proverbs 19:23

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28 October, 2023




The fear of the Lord leads to life; then one rests content, untouched by trouble


The wisdom writer tells us: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. He tells us here: The fear of the Lord leads to life. Put them together and what we discover is that wise life is found in the Lord. It's easy for us to hear these verses and think that the fear of the Lord is like having this angry God who's waving a stick over us so we comply. That it is about acquiescing to a God who will punish you if you mess up. That's the lie Satan wants you to believe. That God is a kill joy who robs you of any pleasure in life. But God does not want us to be afraid of him but live in holy awe of him. It's acknowledging his greatness, his power, his majesty, his awesomeness, his Lordship over our lives. It's recognising that there is nothing or no-one that can even come close to who he is and what he can do in this world.

When we know this God, we have contentment. When we live in relationship with this God, we have freedom to live. We can rest content. We can sleep well untouched by trouble. That doesn't mean that trouble doesn't happen in our means that it will never define us. It will never take away our peace. Luther put it this way: hI have held many things in my hands and I have lost them all, but whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still possess.' I trusted my ability to get failed me. I trust my good works, they were never enough. I thought I could secure my own future, it's gone. But my peace, that's in God's hands. My trust...I've also put it in God's hands. My future, he's won that for me. My hope - there's only one place I'm putting that...God. I have peace, I have security. I have a future. I have hope in Jesus. What more do I need. What more do you need. Life, I can enjoy that today. I can sleep well today. The troubles I experience, they can never rob me of what I have in Jesus. He leads me to life. That's true for you too.


Lord, all my hope, all my trust is in you. Lead me in this adventure called life. Amen.