
Proverbs 16:9

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11 October, 2023




In their hearts humans plan their course,

    but the Lord establishes their steps.


We have talked a lot about God's plans over the last few days, and well we should as it is His plan and His will that is right and perfect. However, I think sometimes we get a bit too pedantic about discerning God's will for our lives. Now as I am writing this I hear in my mind all the sharp, shocked, gasps from people thinking, "you can't say that about God's will", but let me explain.

I'm not convinced that there is just one 'right path' for everyone. Take my own life as an example. I was certain God was preparing me and leading me to be a primary school teacher. And I did do that for a while. But there came a time when it became obvious (for various reasons I'm happy to share elsewhere) that teaching was no longer the right profession for me and so now I find myself as the pastor at LifeWay Newcastle.

Was I wrong to do teaching first? Should I have prayed until I discerned that God was calling me into pastoral ministry? I don't believe so. There have been too many experiences in my learning and career as a teacher that God has used to help inform and shape my ministry as a pastor for me to be able to write it of as mere coincidence.

The key is not about knowing God's ultimate plan for your life, it's simply about listening to what God is asking you to do moment by moment, and responding to that with faithful obedience. Don't get me wrong, we should absolutely seek God on life's big decisions, but equally, we should be content if all he want's to disclose to us in his plan for us right in this moment.

PRAYER: Lord, sometimes it is hard to know what the right or best choice is, especially when it comes to big, life altering decisions. Help me to trust that you see where I am headed, that you know where I am going and that you will intervene if I stray too far from the path you have planned for me. Help me to enjoy the detours and speedhumps that I may encounter on the journey. Amen

Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle.