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10 February, 2023




In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:


Mindset. It’s one of those buzzwords around at the moment. If you have the same mindset as Jesus, does it work? 

There is a book entitled ‘Christ Centred Mindfulness’ (you know where to get a copy!), and it draws on the rich Christian tradition to present Christian mindfulness exercises that help us slow down, connect to what is happening inside ourselves and make space to listen for God's guidance in everyday life.

 A few years ago, my school became involved in a learning theory entitled ‘Growth Mindset’. It revolved around the belief that you can improve intelligence, ability and performance. The opposite, a fixed mindset, refers to the belief that a person's talents are hard to change. 

But if we wish to connect with people, and build relationships, and love people into the church, then yes, it may be difficult. It may be uncomfortable. It may be again your usual way of thinking – but that’s ok, because God’s way of thinking isn’t our way of thinking. So if things are beginning to feel a little uncomfortable, be assured that the Spirit is at work, and your effort - even though you may never see a result – is worth it.    


Relational God, thank you for showing us a different way – a way that world doesn’t understand, but a way that shows your love. Give us the strength to show your love through our relationship building. In Jesus name, Amen. 

Today's devotion written by Mark Simpfendorfer, LifeWay Epping