
Philippians 2:3-4.

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13 February, 2024




Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.


Families and marriages suffer as a result of it. Relationships are ruined because of it. The Church's mission is diminished by it. Community is destroyed from it. Self-centredness. In a world where we are told, "You're worth it" and you deserve to have everything you want, in a world where humility is seen as weakness and an opportunity for other's to walk right over you, Paul urges the Church at Philippi to live a different way. Jesus' way.

It's a life that sees the world through a different lens. It's a walk that values community and relationship over self. It's a generosity of spirit that gives without seeking something back in return. It's a heart of service that looks for ways to help and add value to the lives of others; that reveals the truth about how much they are worth to God. It's a mindset that gives other's the benefit of the doubt rather assuming the worst in their motivations.

It's the life of Jesus revealed in us. It's the love of Jesus shining vibrantly through us. It's the way of Jesus that turns lives upside down and brings real transformation. It's the wisdom of Jesus that leads to thriving community, fulfilling relationships and a vibrant church.


Lord Jesus, forgive me when I put my own needs first. Give me a heart of humility that loves you and lives to serve others. Amen.