
Philippians 2:3

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23 September, 2023




Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit.Rather, in humility value others above yourselves


Does anyone want to be at the top, to be a star or idol? Is it your desire to be important? Yet words like “top,” “idol,” and “star” do not describe the joyful Christian’s life. What is more important? To be a celebrity or to imitate Christ? Genuine joy is expressed in Christlike humility. Humility is difficult but practicing selfish pride sows seeds of death in the midst of life. Why do we tend to measure self-worth against the perceived success or failures of others? Is it because we think life’s ultimate goal is personal fulfillment or that living life at another’s expense will stir feelings of joy? Is that not why Jesus made himself nothing, humbled himself, and become a servant? Surely if the Son of God can come to us to serve us, we can serve him by serving those who He brings into our lives?


Dear Lord, I praise you that human dignity is a gift of your grace. Protect me from pride and make me like Christ so that I will sow the seeds of your joy in others. Amen.

Today's devotion written by Francis Leung, LifeWay Epping