
Philippians 1:6

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17 August, 2022




For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.


" I should have learnt by now." 'I should be able to cope better than this." 'I shouldn't let those things affect me so much.'

All of those are actual comments that I have heard from people in the last week. Good people who are down on themselves. Good people who are struggling with the 'stuff' of life. Good people who feel disappointed in themselves because their expectations of themselves have not been met. If you too fall into that category, Paul wants you to know unequivocally that God is not done with you yet. His work, his transformation in your life is not finished. It's incomplete. You are a work in progress. He is still refining, reshaping, rubbing off the rough edges, restoring the broken bits, healing the wounded parts, perfecting in Christ his beautiful masterpiece in you. You were created on purpose, for a purpose. What you can be sure of though is this. What God has started in you, he will finish. For God never fails to finish what he begins.

So when you are tempted to have a go at someone when they don't meet your expectations, be gracious and remember there is a work in progress happening in their lives. When you are tempted to berate yourself because you fail the expectations you have set for yourself, be gracious to yourself and remember God is not finished his work in you yet. Remain in him. Stay close to him. Rely on him. For when the time comes that Christ calls you home, the work will be completed. And what is seen will be very good. That's his promise.


Lord God, shower me with your grace again today that my life may be more today what you want it to be than it was yesterday. Remind me over and over again that you are not finished with me yet but you will complete what you start. Thank you Jesus. Amen.