
Philippians 1:4-6

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1 October, 2023




In all my prayers for all  of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the Gospel  from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ.


Conditions and situations in the world today are such that we often despair at our own inadequacy to speak the Good News, but we are not expected to do it alone; we have each other and the Holy Spirit. Jesus himself sent his disciples in pairs! [Luke 9:1-2]

The early Philippians faced opposition but God was with them as they lived the Gospel life. We, like Paul, need to pray for those who are new believers, and encourage them with our words and actions.  Make prayer intentional, rather than “ I will pray for you” try “May I pray for you now?” and follow up.

Our actions too, reflect how we live a Gospel life, loving each other, forgiving, welcoming those who society rejects, sharing the gifts God gives us each day,  going the extra mile for someone, encouraging parents with young children, our youth, and each other on our faith journey

Much of this can be difficult but God can do great things. Listen to where he might call you to go and with whom, remembering his Holy Spirit always walks with us.

When we live a a Gospel life we too will experience a special joy.

PRAYER: Thank you Lord for your word and giving me your Holy Spirit to help me understand it and live by it. Give me the courage to seize each opportunity you give me to share these gracious gifts with those who are yet to know about them. Amen.

Today's devotion written by Maureen Macpherson, LifeWay Newcastle