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12 February, 2023




They came back to Moses and Aaron and the whole Israelite community at Kadesh in the Desert of Paran.There they reported to them and to the whole assembly and showed them the fruit of the land.


My kids love fruit, especially during somer when the stone fruit is in season. I remember earlier this year coming home with a couple of R2E2 mangoes which we particularly large and all three of our children couldn't believe the size of these beautiful summer fruit. One of them wanted to know, "where do they grow these". Now he didn't say as much, but it was not hard to see the thought behind his unbelieving eyes, that he would love to go to the place these mangoes were grown and see it for himself.

In today's reading, God's people are standing at the front gate of the promised land. They have before them the evidence that the land is bountiful and produces good crops, Just as God had promised. All they have to do is march into the land and take possession of everything God had promised to their ancestors; everything that God said that he would give to them.

We are in the same situation today. Jesus has sent us with his authority to proclaim the good news of his resurrection to all the world. All we have to do is step out in that authority and boldly take ground for his kingdom, by proclaiming He is Risen!!!


Lord Jesus, May I grow in my faith and trust that you will always deliver on your promises; promises to never leave or forsake me, to lead and to guide me and to prepare for me a place in the Fathers house. Amen