
Numbers 13:27-28, 30

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3 February, 2023



NUMBERS 13:27-28, 30

They gave Moses this account: “We went into the land to which you sent us, and it does flow with milk and honey! Here is its fruit. But the people who live there are powerful, and the cities are fortified and very large. We even saw descendants of Anak there...Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, “We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.”


It's a common sign on Australian roads. The bold yellow diamond sign with a black kangaroo in the middle of it. Underneath that sign is one which says 'NEXT 15 KM'. What do you do when you see that sign? Do you pull over and try to check the GPS for another option? Or stop the car on the side of the road and refuse to go any further because you are afraid you will hit one? Do you slow your speed to walking pace and keep your eyes scanning everywhere for jumping roos? Chances are you do none of those things. You keep going because you needed to get to your destination. You weighed up the risk and lived with the uncertainty, and kept on moving forward.

After years of wandering in the desert, the people of God were about to enter the Promised Land. They were on the edge of great opportunity, of receiving all that God has promised them. Twelve spies were sent out on a fact finding, due diligence mission to discover everything they can about the land, its people, economy and defences. They want the answers up front before they take another step. But when they come back there are two reports - a majority report and a minority report. Ten saw obstacles. Two saw opportunities. Ten saw barriers. Two saw blessings. Ten saw giants. Two saw God.

What do you do when you face obstacles or the uncertainty of tomorrow? Does your imagination run wild with worst-case scenarios? Are you prone to overstate the problems, exaggerate the obstacles or magnify the difficulties that you could occur? Are you like the Ten who conclude it can't be done?

Caleb and Joshua were in the minority. They saw the same land, the same obstacles and barriers but came to a radically different conclusion. In the face of uncertainty, they placed their trust in the promises of God. When all seemed impossible, they stepped out boldly in faith, into the opportunity that God had given to them. It's not what they knew, it was who they knew that made the difference. It gave them the courage to say, "we can certainly do it." That's true for you today too...whatever uncertainty, obstacle, or difficulty you encounter. With God, you can certainly do it.


Lord, prepare my heart for what you have for me next, that in the face of uncertainty, you may give me a heart of faith that will go where you call me to go. For Christ's sake. Amen.