
Nehemiah 8:10

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2 October, 2023




Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared.  This day is sacred to the Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.


This is one Bible narrative I wish I could have witnessed. It has everything - excitement -  Ezra has finished restoring the temple, bewilderment - a stage is being erected and everyone is to assemble at dawn the next day, weeping - as the Book of the Law is read and explained and they recognise their sinfulness.  Then Governor, Nehemiah tells them to go home rest, prepare a choice meal, no sacrifices will be offered so use the fat and break out the best drinks but be sure to share with the poor and suffering for this day is declared holy by the Lord. They are to rejoice  and gain strength to serve the Lord.

Where would we be if God, knowing that for us to keep the Law perfectly was impossible, had not sent his only precious son, Jesus to die for our sins.? 

We get our strength and joy from the Gospel so let us give our best as we share it with those who have yet to hear it.  Live the Gospel everyday so that it might be like the advertisement “ I’ll have what she is having.”

PRAYER: Father God, thank you for the good news of the Gospel. May I learn to share it extravagantly with everyone you place before me, using the many gifts, both mental and physical, that you have given me, for joy in you is my strength. Amen

Today's devotion written by Maureen Macpherson, LifeWay Newcastle