
Nehemiah 1:11-11

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29 January, 2023



NEHEMIAH 1:11-11

O Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of your servant, and to the prayer of your servants who delight to fear your name, and give success to your servant today, and grant him mercy in the sight of this man.” Now I was cupbearer to the king.


This last Friday I had a fascinating conversation with my Uber driver in Melbourne.  He was Ethiopian, in his early 30’s; a former banker who spoke four languages. He hated working in the banking sector and now works as a translator most of the time. When he needs a break from the intensity of the work, he works as an Uber driver.  It was a fascinating story.  But what struck me about his story was the burden he had for helping his people rebuild their lives after the last two years where Ethiopia has been at war with itself.  

The fighting has killed hundreds of thousands of people and displaced millions more. My driver had personally lost 67 close family, friends and work colleagues. One of the real issues has been how to get financial aid to people when the banking system has been shut down.  The only way to transfer money currently is through blackmarket bankers and they are taking a 50% cut of any funds transferred.  This former banker was now working with NGO’s to set up a system where the money sent actually got into the hands of those who need it to rebuild.  It’s a heavy burden he carries; a burden that is moving him to go home in a couple of months to help.

Nehemiah also carried a burden for his people.  The Persian King Cyrus had issued an edict to allow the Israelites to return home to Jerusalem after decades in captivity.  The people of God were finally free.  But as Nehemiah heard the story of what was happening, his heart was burdened for those who were free but not living in freedom.  He was heartbroken for those who had settled for complacency amidst the chaos. They had given up and it caused Nehemiah to weep and to pray and repent on behalf of his people. God placed on Nehemiah’s heart a burden for his people…a burden that would not go away unto he acted.  

What is the 'burden' in our community or world that is heavy on your heart or causing you to weep?  Like Nehemiah, God may be giving you a burden for the part of the puzzle of his vision that he needs you to work on or contribute to. The burden you bear often reveals the purpose God is calling you to passionately pursue for his glory.  So what may that be for you today. Where is God calling you, moving you to act?


Lord God, I believe you have placed me in this world for a reason, to play my part in your greater plan. Help me recognise the burden you are placing on my heart, and give me the courage to act, that your will may be done. Amen.