
Matthew 7:15

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29 October, 2022




“Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.


There were false prophets in the ancient days, but there are also false prophets now in churches. False prophets are like wolves in sheep's clothing. Prophets are supposed to be the messengers of God, serving him and his Church. But sadly, we hear time and time again, when those called to serve God and the Church of God use their position to gain prestige, or to impose on the generosity of local congregations, and so live a life of comfort, and even pampered idleness. They are dressed as sheep but live as wolves.

Pray that we might be alert for false prophets in our midst, to take heed that we are not deceived and imposed upon by them. Their aim is to destroy people, divide communities and draw people away from the life of Godliness which glories God and adds beauty to this world. Pray that we may test everything we hear against the truth of God’s Word that has been revealed to us in Jesus.


Heavenly Father, keep me alert and awake in this world to anything that is not of you, that I may only receive your word, for you alone have the words of eternal life.  Amen.

Today’s Daily Verse is written by LifeWay’s Chinese Pastor, Francis Leung.